Jet in D.C.?

Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:40 pm

Unexplored is hard to prove thow. Someone could have made it into that building before for you and left it. Even ones guarded by robots. I will admit it seems unlikely that that could be the cause. Fallout 2 takes place in 2141. Myron dies a year after Fallout 2. So 2242 to 2277 does not give much time for Jet to make it to DC and then into "unexplored buildings."

Or they just didn't care.

Agreed :sadvaultboy:
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:49 pm

Or they just didn't care.

I'd say given the exent of the work involved in creating a world as complex as Fallout 3's, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.

I don't seriously believe they were thinking "lets screw things up by putting jet in pre-war containers and mess with Fallout 2 fans"
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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:59 am

Does anybody know how Jet, a drug made in New Reno, got all the way to Washington D.C.? I mean the only thing I can think of is the Enclave, but why would the enclave give jet to a bunch of raiders and merchants? Or is jet made if so how did the recipe get there from New Reno? Its just another one of those fallout3 things...

If you pay attention in the game you will find several drug labs, not to mention there's a ghoul that makes it and can make ultra jet for the PC as a side quest. It's not that far fetched really.
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 12:30 pm

Still pretty sure Jet was forgotten about after Myron's death, the stables still had lots of other drugs to sell so its not like it was a huge loss.

or Jet now is a new formula like Syles said, I can deal with that, but it still does not explain why its in unexplored prewar buildings.

who says they were unexplored? Was there a seal on any of them that said 2077? I didn t see any......... How do you know someone else didn t put that stuff in there? Maybe your character stole someones stash. huh?

Did you get your detective kit out and take trace evidence, and dust for fingerprints?
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Sammie LM
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 3:11 pm

You know what I did dust the place for prints, and it has not been touched since before the war.

you happy now?
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Madison Poo
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 12:46 pm

You know what I did dust the place for prints, and it has not been touched since before the war.

you happy now?

Yes as long as you dusted and used the black light.
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Laura Mclean
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:08 pm

The D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine can also be found in New Vegas. I just think it's the developers using the same assets between the games. Like that photograph of James in Vault 21.

Yeah, but that's pre war - a Nevada area doctor could reasponably be expected to have medical journals published in other places.
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 4:45 pm

Yeah, but that's pre war - a Nevada area doctor could reasponably be expected to have medical journals published in other places.

I'll agree on this one, that is a pre-war magazine so it makes a lot more sense for it to be everywhere.

If anything the jet being in prewar containers is the same for wasteland food being in fridges/ovens that have gone untouched. Would you want to go out of your way to make sure that there was 3 or so different types of fridges, each with their own loot tables so that fridges left closed since thewar would only have prewar food in them? Sure it wouldn't take a lot of time, but it's an unnecesary addition, not a lack of caring.
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Imy Davies
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:03 pm

Hey guys, gais, hey gais, whose to say that Myron didn't just find Jet or the recipe, that it existed before the war and he just told people he invented it?

So it would go like this: within the first fifty years of the static, most of the drug was used up, at least what was out in the open, then in pockets around the country a truck or two full of the stuff here or there was found (not in New Reno) and, meanwhile, Myron happened upon the recipe and figured out how to replicate it with wasteland tech and materials.

I'll say this, between the two options:
A. Some egghead genius named Myron invented a new drug out in the middle of the wasteland with no infrastructure around him
B. Some idiot named Myron found the recipe while he was studying pre-war tech and chemicals and then claimed to have invented it because, hey, who's there to say he's wrong?

Now apply Occam's Razor and voila, we have a nerdy liar.

(Can you tell that I never liked Myron?)
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:31 pm

Still pretty sure Jet was forgotten about after Myron's death, the stables still had lots of other drugs to sell so its not like it was a huge loss.

Jet wasn't forgotten just Myron. Your remembering his ending incorrectly.

but it still does not explain why its in unexplored prewar buildings

Mistakes in placement of random loot tables. Jet is a very minor detail so there wouldn't be someone paying attention to where its croping up.

Jet does survive Myron's death but the people working on it were working for Myron. I doubt he would have given them the full story. They would still be under the control of a powerful mob family. So the odds of someone knowing the full story and getting a way from the family are small and then for that person to make it to DC. Plus the Mordino family would do anything to keep that person there, like giving them, money women and drugs.

The Mordino family disolved and was absorbed by the other famlies, thus the knowledge of jet would be scattered to the four winds. People go on and on about how Myron's genius and claim couldn't be duplicated but one doctor figured out a cure rather easily. Given that a single doctor from vault city was able to develop a cure so quickly once he had a sample. reverse engineering how its made isn't far fetched.

After Myron dies they would still be able to make it. We see it in New Vegas. The effects are different then they are in Fallout 2. I like to think that those that took Myron's place were not able to make it the right way so it isn't as effective. I know it can also be put down to game mechanics. The main point is the chance of DC having the right pre-war protien to make jet is next to nothing.

Well if the effects are different then it could be a different drug simply called jet because of the resemblence. (in which case it doesn't matter if its in DC).
If it is the same drug(and simply a mechanical change) Then as I said, long term production of jet would require duplicating the cheap protein extract, the extract would need to be much more common or they ran out of the protein extract and had to figure out another method of production.

People being addicted to it, because it is highly addicive is what makes it profitable. It is what hooked the workers of Redding. With a cure out there the profitability and power that comes from producing jet is gone. Which would means those that know how to make it would move on to other things. So people still making it for it to show up in New Vegas could be making it wrong. Another reason why Jet has little effect in New Vegas.

Addiction adds to profitability but its not the only factor. Potato chips aren't actually addictive but people eat them anyway for the pleasure they get out of eating it. Jet would be no different if it provides enjoyment people will buy it. As you said yourself there still making it in vegas so its still profitable, just not as profitable.
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:08 am

B. Some idiot named Myron found the recipe while he was studying pre-war tech and chemicals and then claimed to have invented it because, hey, who's there to say he's wrong?

Plausible, but highly unlikely.

Unless jet only existed on the east coast-pre war, they would know he wasn't the one to actually invent it if he simply "found" the recipe.
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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:19 am

A. Some egghead genius named Myron invented a new drug out in the middle of the wasteland with no infrastructure around him
B. Some idiot named Myron found the recipe while he was studying pre-war tech and chemicals and then claimed to have invented it because, hey, who's there to say he's wrong?

Except that he states very clearly how it came about, he wasn't pouring over some great chalkboard of numbers, some of his slaves got high of Brahmin [censored] and Magic Mushrooms and he made that into an inhalable drug.
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:05 pm

Jet is not pre-war.

And as for the cure, the chosen one did not invent the cure really, you could get the cure from the shop owner in San Francisco on the tanker.

This is my logical explanation, see the Enclave did trading with the Salvator family for slaves and drugs. So it is possible that the Enclave did bring it to the East Coast and distributed it so they could easily take over D.C. And the Enclave would have the technology and know how to reverse engineer it. Now as far as finding jet in untouched pre-war locations maybe it was an enclave conspiracy and they hired their agents to plant them there :P Now I'm just being goofy.

As for the BOS bringing jet to the eastcoast, I doubt it the BOS do not seem like the type of people who would distribute jet to people and don't seem like the drug addict and drug dealing type. If anything the BOS would have the recipe but wouldn't distribute it because of their belief on hoarding technology. The BOS doesn't want technology to fall into the wrong hands so why would they want Jet a dangerous drug to fall into the wrong hands.
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:52 am

Jet is not pre-war.

And as for the cure, the chosen one did not invent the cure really, you could get the cure from the shop owner in San Francisco on the tanker.

I consider this a bug, as it can't be used to solve the "Cure Jet" quest.
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:31 pm

Except that he states very clearly how it came about, he wasn't pouring over some great chalkboard of numbers, some of his slaves got high of Brahmin [censored] and Magic Mushrooms and he made that into an inhalable drug.

So it's impossible for people to lie elaborately?

Jet is not pre-war.


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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 4:10 pm

So it's impossible for people to lie elaborately?

Err... okay then. Myron goes to Mr Mordino after the slaves just 'happened' to get high off the fumes and uses it as an excuse to impliment a complicated pre-war drug he's being sitting on; so then when Myron asks Mordino for a lot of things completely unrelated to Brahmin [censored] and Shrooms and the other chemists that worked with Myron call him out on it what happens then? If your going to pull the 'it was all a lie man' or 'you can't disprove me can you?' card then I really don't see how I can argue with you.
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:03 pm

Guys, its ok I just talked to Myron......... He said he gave Bethesda the recipe right after they bought the series. He said they could use it in future games as long as it got people high.

No [censored] either he is right here next to me.
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:48 pm

Guys, its ok I just talked to Myron......... He said he gave Bethesda the recipe right after they bought the series. He said they could use it in future games as long as it got people high.

No [censored] either he is right here next to me.

You flying?
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Ymani Hood
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 4:16 pm


Its not really an opinion man, if you have played fallout2 you would know that a character Myron invents Jet which happens ~200 years AFTER THE THE NUCLEAR WAR.
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:56 am

The simple answer is that instead of trying to create new lore for currency/drugs/items/food, they just copy pasta'd them over. that's why jet, tales of a Junktown jerky vendor, and Iguana on a stick are miraculously in the capitol wasteland.

Is it lazy? probably a little bit, but as far as i know gamesas hasn't done anything to retcon Fallout 1 and 2's story or lore. They only made things confusing for fallout 3 lore since the only confusing part is how those items ended up in the capitol wasteland.

It doesn't matter. If they made up a new drug with a new background that did the same thing, then just as many people would be screaming RETCON as there are people screaming INCONSISTENCY right now. Frankly inconsistent is a much lesser wrong than retconning (as i know it would seem in some peoples eyes).
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 3:02 pm

Well half the fun of fallout3 is discussing, speculating and theorizing plot holes and the inconsistencies on these forums :P
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:49 pm

Well half the fun of fallout3 is discussing, speculating and theorizing plot holes and the inconsistencies on these forums :P

Indeed. :D
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Alessandra Botham
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:13 am

Its not really an opinion man, if you have played fallout2 you would know that a character Myron invents Jet which happens ~200 years AFTER THE THE NUCLEAR WAR.

Implying I didn't buy the game in 1998 and play it about 200 times, read my earlier post, I said he lied.
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Marion Geneste
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:06 pm

Which we know is not true, and regardless if he did or not it still wouldn't be prewar, if it was it would have shown up in Fallout 1, or at least have some prewar documents about it.
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