One of the other popular ones is "Ruined Tail's Tale". I've heard it's excellent, but I've never actually played it myself.
I've never played any companion mod, to be honest. I'm ever the archer, and annoyances I've had with vanilla followers with regards to archery have made me somewhat leery of trying them(that and I play a heavily modded game, so compatibility might be an issue).
If you want a companion who's good at archery, Neeshka might be worth a look-see. She comes with an alternate ESP geared specifically for archery. She's a fine all-round companion as well. Voiced too, though unlike Vilja Neeshka's voice is derived from creatively altered original dunmer utterances.
I ran Neeshka during much of my first play-through, but sadly abandoned her near its end. In my particular installation she began to suffer A.I. overload and might even have contributed to it. After a while she'd stop executing many of her various functions. I'd need to exit and reload the name every so often to correct this. Vilja, who I run this play-though, does not suffer from overload at all.
In any case, as a dedicated archer Neeshka might be the better of the two, thanks to that ESP. Otherwise my nod goes to Vilja. (If not for Neeshka's overload issue I might well run both.)