Common Misconception + A Concern.

Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:49 am

1 - Platemail.

Platemail is light. WUHHHH? It is. It's lighter than Chainmail. Chainmail is one piece which draqes over the head/body/or is a skirt or one piece of pants.
Platemail, however is made up of over 100+ pieces which only weigh 2 pounds, the weight is distributed across the body. Modern Knights, (RPer's) can do acrobatics in their platemail, they can do flips, parkour. Chainmail is only one piece of 40 pounds on your shoulders or weighing on your head or legs.

Knights who are trained in their armour don't even notice their armour, it's like a second skin to them. Knights can mount horses with one jump. I'm not even joking here, or boosting.

So this shows, that knights can SNEAK. Knights aren't SLOW, and are FLEXIBLE.

2 - Combat.

Oblivion was amazing. For its time. Now that standards have increased, looking back on Oblivion you can see flaws and problems. Mainly, the Animations, Lighter than air Ragdolls, and.. The Combat.

First off, the enemies swarm you and constantly wack at you like maniacs. From the front, from behind, from the sides. Fighting more than one opponent was not fun. There has to be a system where the enemies take turns, ala Assassins Creed, and you can efficiently fight. Well, that's not realistic you say? True, but also not realistic is 5 people wacking at you while you heal and slowly and tediously hurt them until they all die. One because if there were 5, one from behind will just stab you, game over. Reload. Until there is a system which can effectively allow more than one people to attack, this feature must be thrown out and the Assassins Creed system must be implented. I can see some ways it can be effective if there were 2 or 3. But it would be chaotic.

Also, the constant wacking your character does when he attacks in Oblivion wasn't fun. There needs to be variety, counters, parries, shield bash, kicks, hilt smashes. Many games have accomplished this, and with the new system for Skyrim, it can be glorious.

Also why is it enemies float in the air when they die in Oblivion? Enemies need to be heavy and fall down hard.

Thats all.
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neil slattery
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:01 am

That is, indeed, all. Thanks for the rant. Not enough of them around here.
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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:18 am

Also, the constant wacking your character does when he attacks in Oblivion wasn't fun. There needs to be variety, counters, parries, shield bash, kicks, hilt smashes. Many games have accomplished this, and with the new system for Skyrim, it can be glorious.

I agree with the combat concerns. There was no rhythm to melee combat and the stagger/recoil mechanics were terrible. I'm keeping my fingers crossed this has been addressed but the game play shown so far doesn't really seem to convey that it has been. I still found the combat acceptable in OB (especially considering the ridiculously long play time we get :thumbsup: ) but there could be a lot of improvement here.
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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:36 am

I think having 2 armour skills is stupid. It's barely a skill at all.
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:44 am

Lol remember when Oblivion first came out? Everyone threw bucketloads of praise at the combat for the massive improvement it was over Morrowind.
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Sebrina Johnstone
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 4:37 am

Actualy no they dont get platemail wrong. The plate your thinking of is in fact in the game.. its elven armor. Heavy plate armor is a different beast entirely.
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:27 am

Apparently you sir have never even wore platemail. I for one have. While it is true that platemail has its weight distributed throughout the body that does not make it magically weigh less. I am not going to go into specifics about its weight but let me say this. Platemail in medieval time was NO MEANS flexible. They had rugged joints that allowed them to move but never as good as they would without it. Knight cannot do flips, I am not sure where you have seen this whether i be be some movie or whatever.

Modern day plate mail for RPers is NOT up to standard of that in the medieval age. Medieval armor was THICK and the metal refining process was nowhere near up to par with todays. The reason for it being thick was because it had to sustain solid two handed blows from swords,axes,polearms,flails,and bludgeons on a regular basis the stuff RPers use today in no where near to that level. Knights didn't just rush into battle on foot cutting swathes into enemy lines. They were commonly on horseback and being on foot was usually a last resort for when the horse died. When it came to a common soldier fighting a knight they used the 'turtle' mindset. The knight was a heavily protected danger to them on his horse and on foot, so the strategy involved was using a spiked/hooked warhammer such as this one. The hook was meant to catch a knight(or even his horse if they wanted) in the chest or leg as they rode by and attempting to knock him off of his horse, When on his back or facedown, they would either use the bludgeon to try to crush the armor into his lungs or use the spike/hook in order to peirce the armor while he was down and helpless. Now look, don't get me wrong, a knight wasn't some kind of tank or something to that matter, they could still move effectively but flips? Really?

Knights could effectively move through the battlefield this is true, they were by no means slow as hell because they were used to wearing thier plate armor (it actually didnt weighas much as people seem to think) . But they could NOT and I repeat NOT perform acrobatics that are hard enough to do WITHOUT armor.

Besides common knowledge please cite whatever sources you have stating knights also had ninja acrobatics
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luis dejesus
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:46 pm

Lol remember when Oblivion first came out? Everyone threw bucketloads of praise at the combat for the massive improvement it was over Morrowind.

Yeah. I honestly think this is the whiniest, hipocritical and greedy fanbase in the planet. People here ask for things, they implement them, and then they rant about it. People here just think games are done by magic and think a game that includes every possible thing in existence is possible and, more troublesome, desirable.
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Eve Booker
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 5:19 am

Yeah. I honestly think this is the whiniest, hipocritical and greedy fanbase in the planet. People here ask for things, they implement them, and then they rant about it. People here just think games are done by magic and think a game that includes every possible thing in existence is possible and, more troublesome, desirable.

Pretty much yeah, New feautres and improvements are fine and dandy at first but it seems to take about 10 minutes for the Novely of it to wear in and turn into basic human rights.
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Chrissie Pillinger
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:35 pm

Well, one thing is to say that a gothic plate armor didn't hinder too much, proportionally to it's weight, but a plate armor stealthy?

Assassin creed combat system has a big flaw and is preciselly enemy attacking in turns and never interrupting you when you are fighting with another one. They not only let you win, they are HELPING you win.
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Reanan-Marie Olsen
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:54 pm

Well, one thing is to say that a gothic plate armor didn't hinder too much, proportionally to it's weight, but a plate armor stealthy?

Assassin creed combat system has a big flaw and is preciselly enemy attacking in turns and never interrupting you when you are fighting with another one. They not only let you win, they are HELPING you win.

I also don't think we should borrow THAT heavily on Assassins creed. I don't know about you but that game was WAY to easy. Never had a hard moment. it was basically either perform a counter attack, or a dodge counter, thats it you win good job mate. Even IF you didnt counter like a boss. just winning normally with default sword swings was easy as well, most enemies the only tactic involved was breaking their guards, then ALL of their friends would just WATCH as you wailed on him.
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Louise Andrew
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:56 am

I also don't think we should borrow THAT heavily on Assassins creed. I don't know about you but that game was WAY to easy. Never had a hard moment. it was basically either perform a counter attack, or a dodge counter, thats it you win good job mate. Even IF you didnt counter like a boss that just wiinning nirmally was easy as well, most enemies the only tactic involved was breaking their guards, then ALL of their friends would just WATCH as you wailed on him.

And then with 2 and brotherhood they added the ability to chain attacks, so one successful finisher or counter attack was enough to start a chain of murders that could decimate a whole group of enemies. Once your used to the mechanics and controls Assassin's creed is quite easy.
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:07 am

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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:54 pm

Most real plate & mail armor weighs about 65 pounds (at most; people can't carry more than that).

In a game, they design for functionality (a heavy armor, a light armor ~each with pros & cons).

I would like to see a bit of variety in the combat ~but the idea that standards have improved is... odd thinking IMO.
"Die by the Sword" shipped in 1997 and puts Oblivion's melee combat to utter shame; and they did not have the high-end PC hardware or motion sensitive controllers when they did it.
Nowadays we all have these and still no RPG or action adventure that I've seen since can match it for combat. :shrug:
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Kitana Lucas
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:41 am

OCARINA OF TIME! assassins creed combat is a fancy version of oot's combat ..and that game has NO difficulty. i love the game, cant wait for revelations, but the mechanic is called 'z targeting' and is basically a funneling function for multiple attackers. know your roots!
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 6:03 am

Lol remember when Oblivion first came out? Everyone threw bucketloads of praise at the combat for the massive improvement it was over Morrowind.

well MW combat system was horrible HORRIBLE
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SUck MYdIck
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 4:23 am

well MW combat system was horrible HORRIBLE

That it was, When I first played it I was on my way to that Dwemer ruin for the puzzle box (The most annyoing quest in that whole game imo) and there was a bandit on the bridge, I spent about 5 minutes hacking the hell out of him with my axe and doing no damage while he swiftly turned me into Dunmer Fillet.
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