Animations in Skyrim

Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:22 am

haha indeed

I love how they removed the god awful attribute system which did nothing but give me a headache, I mean is it possible for a person to run faster than the speed of sound??? (speed potion) I'm glad its all gone

now they can actually make a great magic/leveling system that rewards you with immediate progress

Yeah, I'm currently playing Oblivion and I constantly have to level up my minor skills a lot just to get a meaningful boost to my attributes upon leveling up.
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Becky Palmer
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Post » Fri Jun 24, 2011 11:43 pm

Has anyone watched that polish guy?

I don't like that rock.
With so much force, his arm should be off.
Did he hit that monster?
I don't think wolves' teeth are so long.
A few more polygons couldn't hurt.
I like Andre Sapjoekaajfnidnvkhczvsakski, We should use Witcher magic.
That fire should be a physical object.
I don't like the impact of the wolf upon his body.
They should turn this into an actual language.
I don't like the carrot. (roll the R)
Ahh.. Now this nirnroot looks beautiful.

About 50 mins of pure criticism. It's an art.

I have every reason to believe Todd handles criticism like a man, not like a frail teen.
Your post is how I'm hoping he shan't react.
And I enjoyed that video.
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chirsty aggas
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