yes i imagine them like that too but arent they former blades i believe they are more than
robe wearing priests who live in High Hrothgar
i didnt see that but i am pretty sure Tood said in early skyrim interviews they are former Blades
Nope. They are not related to the Blades in any way. The Greybeards are some kind of priests, that spend their lives (well, though I think they could be inmortal) listening to the heavens, to hear the will of the Gods, The yare, in addition, powerful Thu'um users (Tongues).
The Blades were the Emperor bodyguards. They protected the Septim bloodline, that were Dragonborns. Long time ago, The Blades were called the Royal Dragon Guard (or something similar), and they had their origins in Akavir.
I think there should be more than just the one akavir katana, there should katanas in most materials.
They shouldn't be as common as the longsword, but not very hard to come across either.
And about asian themes, doesn't the orcs have some stuff in morrowind?
Well, tha happens because it makes sense. Orcs have been Asian-inspired at least since Morrowind. They were more Mongolian-like in Oblivioon, and it seems that, at least their armor, is going to be Mongolian-like again (but way more badass).