This forum is full of bigheads, some people need to keep their smart ass comments to themselves. Anyway, this is an RPG is it not? And one of an RPGs main goal is immersion? So then why should something as silly as cosmetic frills, which will definitely kill immersion for many, many people, including me, be a non avoidable feature of the game? At the very least they need to be toned down and not be forced out of 1st person (just speculation that it does) , at least ones like the dragon finisher in the demo. Ideally Bethesda should put a choice at the start of the game.
Couple things.
1) One problem is that there's a bunch of different definitions for "immersion". (For example, the best way I can think of it is.... getting "caught up" in a game. Now, I've gotten caught up like that in racing games, action games, fast puzzle games - heck, even top-scrolling arcade shooters. "First person" and "realism" aren't things I think are required for this - just good gameplay. Conversely, I've never played any game, RPG or otherwise, where I've thought of the character I'm pushing around on the screen as "me" - they're just a story character I happen to be controlling. So, if your definition of "immersion" is "you think you're the character", then I've never been "immersed" ever. And I don't really want to.)
2) "And one of an RPGs main goal is immersion?"
Maybe for some people, but not for me. :shrug: Actually, the RPGs I prefer the most are the non-action ones - the ones with turn-based combat, and parties of multiple people under your control. Which, generally, don't have the "intense action" thing that tends to lead to the "caught up"/extreme focus thing. So, for me, RPGs are the games I'm
least likely to be "immersed" in. By my def of immersion. (Of course, I play them for the story, the combat systems, the character building, the exploring..... but none of those things have anything to do with immersion.)
So (as the closest example I can think of), no - the 3rd person VATS slo-mo replays in Fallout 3? Didn't bother me at all.