Characters missing bodys?

Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:07 am

Okay so Im installing these body replacers and races for a mod. Roberts Male body replacer and Raven Elves. My issue is that the bodys are missing and the eyes are black. Also the Raven elves race isnt there. Just a bunch of other random new races.
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Lizbeth Ruiz
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:12 am

Okay so Im installing these body replacers and races for a mod. Roberts Male body replacer and Raven Elves. My issue is that the bodys are missing and the eyes are black. Also the Raven elves race isnt there. Just a bunch of other random new races.

Can be caused by several things so difficult to guess without more info. It's a good idea to use Wrye Bash and the Bashed Patch when combining cosmetic mods. With Wrye Bash you also can post your load order easily, which would be helpful: right-click file-header > list mods > paste into post.
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