Factions of Skyrim: Unofficial Guide

Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 5:19 pm

Factions of Skyrim: Unofficial Guide
Confirmed Information and Discussion Thread

This thread is a repository for gathering and discussing confirmed faction-related information as well as speculating on the various possible factions of Skyrim and how the player will interact with them.

Q: What exactly is a "faction"?

A: A faction is simply a group of allied actors, which can consist of NPCs, animals, monsters, Daedric Princes, and/or the player. Each faction can contain as little as one member or as many as hundreds.

Some Skyrim factions have already been confirmed, and there a number of additional factions we can deduce from information revealed in previous interviews, videos, concept art and Skryim lore.

I. Guild Factions
The kind of faction many of us are most interested in are the guild-type factions, which the player can join and advance through a set of ranks, receiving quests and new spells along the way. For purposes of discussion in this thread, we will refer to these factions as "Guild Factions," merely as a way to differentiate them from the other categories.

1-1. Confirmed Skyrim Guild Factions
  • The College of Winterhold
  • The Companions
  • The Thieves' Guild
  • The Dark Brotherhood

1-2. Possible Skyrim Guild Factions
  • Necromancers
  • The Horme
  • Whiterun Witches' Coven
  • Arena Teams

1-3. Necromancers
Todd Howard and Craig Lafferty have both mentioned Necromancers in various interviews. According to Todd there is an exterior POI scene with an altar and "some necromancers." Quite possibly, they are not a faction the player can join; however, we do not yet know.

1-4. The Horme
According to the lore, there is an important bandit faction in Skyrim that has played a role in politics, supporting secession from the Empire. Hopefully they are still around as of the year 4E 200s

"The Horme, also known as the Horme Bandits, was a powerful quasi-miltarial bandit and maurauder organization that existed during the Third and Fourth Eras. The Horme was originally founded as a way for Potema Septim, the Wolf Queen of Solitude, to increase her military strength by recruiting bandits, marauders, and mercenaries. The Horme fought in the War of the Red Diamond where it was defeated, but not destroyed, by the Imperial Legion. Potema and Uriel Septim III did not survive this conflict and the Horme scattered into the Jerall, Valus, and Velothi Mountains. Eventually, they were reforged by a high ranking member of the Horme, and set about raiding and destroying Imperial interests in the provinces of High Rock, Skyrim, Morrowind, and northern Cyrodiil. After being united again, the Horme gained members and eventually became one of the major organizations rebelling against the Septim Empire, and later the Republic of Tamriel."

1-5. Whiterun Witches' Coven
According to the lore, there is a Witches' Coven in Whiterun, that may or may not still exist as of 4E 200s.

"Whiterun has not been as fortunate as its coastal northern cousins. A dynastic feud, attacks by Horme bandits and frost trolls, and a series of annihilating winters of alternating floods, droughts, and fires have crippled the area that was once considered the Imperial City of Skyrim. The population blamed and then curiously exalted the leader of the local witches' coven, Jsashe, a self proclaimed priestess of Lorkhan. The Witch Queen of Whiterun, as she is called, now wields effective control of the county, though her magic has not brought it prosperity as of yet."

1-6. Arena Factions
The http://www.imperial-library.info/content/go-blades and http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Skyrim#Notable_Places both mention numerous Arena teams that once existed in each Skyrim city.

List of historical Arena teams
  • Whiterun: Devastators
  • Snowhawk/Markath: Frost Demons
  • Rifton/Riften: Furies
  • Windhelm: Paladins
  • Winterhold: Annihilators
  • Haafingar/Solitude: Ravagers
  • Dawnstar: Avengers
  • Falcrenth: Dark Shadows

1-7. Volkihar Clan
One of the lore books, Immortal Blood, mentions a tribe of so-called "Ice Vampires" known as the Volkihar Clan, based in the Eastern part of Skyrim. Considering their long lifespan, as well as http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_4lrm97dBqNo/TUFlxQiW7CI/AAAAAAAAAZM/n_xn6TWnSA8/s1600/artofskyrim_013_femmonster.jpg?__sf=1303445029 it is quite possible they are still around in 4E 200s. Whether they are a joinable faction, or associated with any quests is anyone's guess.

"He wanted to know about the vampires of eastern Skyrim. I told him about the most powerful tribe, the Volkihar Clan, paranoid and cruel, whose very breath could freeze their victims' blood in the veins. I explained to him how they lived beneath the ice of remote and haunted lakes, never venturing into the world of men except to feed.

... but you should know that the Volkihar have an additional ability you didn't mention. They can reach through the ice of their lakes without breaking it. It was quite a nasty surprise, being grabbed from below without any warning."

II. Location Factions

Each Hold will comprise a separate faction, with a distinct way to track the player's bounty and reputation within that hold. According to Todd, you can be a wanted criminal in one hold and "who's that?" in another.

If previous Bethesda open world sandbox games are any indication, there will also be separate factions for each city and perhaps even smaller location-specific factions to define the NPCs in these areas, such as waterfront area, castle area, skooma den, etc.

Whether these various Location Factions will be used as a means to determine rules for player disposition and things like helping out the player or other NPCs during combat (as was the case in Oblivion), or whether they will be more dynamic, with a reputation system that has a greater impact on gameplay (as was the case in Fallout New Vegas), we do not yet know.

Confirmed Location Factions
(9 holds - some of the names TBC)
  • Haafinheim (?) Hold
  • The Reach
  • Solitude Hold
  • Whiterun Hold
  • Falkreath Hold
  • Winterhold
  • The Pale
  • Eastmarch Hold
  • Rift Hold

Cities, Villages and Settlements (TBC)
  • Whiterun
  • Markarth Side
  • Karthwasten
  • Winterhold
  • Kynesgrove
  • Falkreath
  • Riverwood
  • Riften
  • solitude
  • Dragon Bridge
  • Greenwood
  • Dawnstar

III. Quest-Related Factions
This framegrab of a http://www.scharesoft.de/joomla/almanach/images/1/1f/Artwork_-_Art_of_Skyrim_-_Himmelsrand-Karte.jpg strongly suggests distinct EMPIRE and REBEL factions controlling different parts of Skyrim.

Since the game is set against the backdrop of a civil war, this is not surprising. Hopefully, the player will be able to play an active role in this central inter-faction conflict, for example choosing to support one side or the other.

Also related to the main quest, there will almost certainly separate factions for the Greybeards and the intelligent, speaking dragons.

Certainly there will be a number of side quests involving various smaller factions. Todd Howard mentioned that a few quests will involve a racial conflict between a group of racist Nords and a group of Elves.

Possible Quest Factions
  • Rebels
  • Empire
  • Greybeards
  • Speaking Dragons
  • Racist Nords
  • Elven Enemies of Racist Nords

IV. Creature Factions
The purpose of various creature factions is to make sure certain groups of creatures are friendly to each other.

Keep in mind, every creature in the game needs to belong to one or more factions in order to govern its disposition toward any other actors it encounters.

It is interesting to note that Todd Howard mentioned that certain species will hunt other species (for example, a pack of wolves will hunt mammoths, and foxes will hunt rabbits, etc.). This suggests a greater number of creature factions compared with Oblivion, this behavior did not take place in previous TES games.

V. Inter-Faction Conflict
There will be a great deal of inter-faction conflicts, as in previous TES games. In Skyrim, as a result of the civil war, hopefully this conflict will manifest in more meaningful conflict between NPC factions and perhaps between a number of factions in which the player can participate, such as the Empire vs. Rebels, since certain Holds will likely be allied with one of the sides in the war.

It is interesting to note that any individual NPC can belong to numerous factions simultaneously.

For example, an NPC who is a member of the Companions might belong to
  • Whiterun Hold Faction
  • Whiterun City Faction
  • Companions
  • Rebels

This raises questions, such as how would a situation be resolved where a particular faction, such as the Companions, sides with the Rebels in the civil war, but the city, or Whiterun Hold, were to side with the Empire? How does this impact an NPC who is a member of Companions and a member of Whiterun Hold?

VI. Logistics Factions
There has always been a need in Bethesda's open world sandbox games to make use of certain factions to solve very specific problems, such as to resolve ownership problems for certain objects, or to ensure that one or two specific NPCs don't attack each other, etc.

VII. How Many Factions?
If Oblivion is any indication, there will most likely be several hundred factions in Skyrim.

For reference, see below a list of the factions in Oblivion.

Complete Listing of Oblivion Factions (331 total)

Adrian Decanius Faction
Adventurer Faction
Agarmir's Faction
Aleswell -- people Serethi sisters dislike
Aleswell faction
All the dremora guards and torturers
Amantius Allectus Door Owners
Amantius Allectus House
Ancotar's faction
Anvil -- Count's Arms faction
Anvil - Enilroth lovers faction
Anvil - Foc'sle faction
Anvil - Heinrich Oaken-Hull's house
Anvil - Inventius family
Anvil - Jesan sixtius faction
Anvil - Morvayn's store faction
Anvil - Newheim faction
Anvil - The Serpent's Wake faction
Anvil Beggars
Anvil castle residents
Anvil Citizen
Anvil Flowing Bowl
Anvil guard faction
Anvil Harborside warehouse
Anyone wearing Bands of the Chosen
Arano Family
Arcane University
Arena Bloodworks Dwellers
Arena Champions
Arena Hopefuls
Arena Player
Arena Spectator Combatants
Arena Yellow Team
Athram Family
Atius Family
Baenlin's Faction
Bandit Faction
Barren Mine tribe
Best Goods and Guarantees Merchants
Black Bow Faction
Black Horse Courier Vendors
Blackwood Company
Bleakers Way Faction
Boethia Faction
Border Watch Resident
Bravil - Lonely Suitor Lodge faction
Bravil - Silverhome faction
Bravil Beggars
Bravil Castle faction
Bravil Faction
Bravil guards faction
Bravil Loche family
Bravil Skooma Den faction
Bravil Stables
Brolus family in Bruma
Bruiant Family Faction
Bruma Beggars
Bruma Cheydinhal Bridge Inn
Bruma Citizens
CG Creature Faction
CG goblins
Character gen Blades faction
Chestnut Handy Stables
Cheydinhal Castle
Cheydinhal Citizens
Cheydinhal Guards
Cheydinhal Newslands Lodge
Cheydinhal Orum's Gang
Cheydinhal Peasants and Serfs
Cheydinhal Riverview faction
Cheydinhal Stables
Cheydinhal Willow Bank
Chorrol Beggars
Chorrol Citizen
Chorrol Guard Faction
Chorrol Stables
Claude Maric's personal faction
Claude Maric's Thugs
Claudius Arcadia's Faction
Clavicus Vile Faction
Cracked Wood Hollow tribe
Cropsford faction
Daedra monsters in the caves
Dalvilu FACTION Peace
Dalvilu FACTION War
Dark Brotherhood
Dark Brotherhood -- Won't Call Guards
Dark Brotherhood Elite
Dark Brotherhood Generic Evil Faction
Dark Brotherhood No Guards Allowed Club
Dark Brotherhood Player Hate Faction
Dark Brotherhood Player Secret Faction
Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary Dwellers
Dark Brotherhood Underlings
Dark06 Hotel Faction
Derelict Mine tribe
Dovyn Aren Faction
Draconis Family Faction
Dro'fahr Faction
DulgroShug Faction
Eight Cities Couriers Customers
Elven Gardens Horse
Emperor faction, for Uriel and Martin
Escaped Prisoner
Everscamp Faction
Evil -- no affiliation
Faction for all friendlies in MQ16
Faction for creatures friendly to Ancotar
Faction for final MD assassin in CG
Faction for First Edition NPCs
Faction for roving MD assassins
Fathis Ules Faction
FGC03 Hrota Thieves
FGC06 Goblins
Fighters Guild
For ghost blades in Sancre Tor
Fort Nikel Team A
Fort Nikel Team B
Fort Ontus Mage Faction
Friend of the Imperial Legion
Friends of Itius Hayn
Generic Owner
Gilen Norvalo's House Faction
Glarthir Faction
Goblin Jim's tribe
Gogan's Family Faction
Gottlesfont Faction
Graman gro-Marad's House Faction
Hackdirt monster faction
Hastrel Ottus' House Faction
Havilstein Hoar-Blood's Secret Faction
Henantier's Faction
Hermaeus Mora Faction
Herminia Cinna Faction
Hircine Faction
Honmund's house in Bruma
Horse Whisperer
IC - Best Defense
IC -- Bit and Bridle
IC - Three Brothers
IC Beggars
IC Citizens
IC Palace faction
Ida Vlinorman Faction
Imperial City Arena Monster Faction
Imperial City Waterfront Resident
Imperial Legion
Imperial Legion Battlemage
Imperial Legion Outside Faction
Imperial Trading Company
Imperial Watch
Iniel Sintav Faction
Inn of Ill Omen
Irene Metric Faction
Jair Family
Jakben Family
Janus Hassildor Faction
Jastia Sintav Faction
Jemane Family Faction
Jerall View in Bruma
Kalthar Pet Faction
Kastus Sintav Faction
Kathutet's personal faction
Knights of the Thorn
Knights of the White Stallion
Kurdan gro-Dragol's Faction of EEEEvil
Kvatch citizens
Kvatch Creatures
Kvatch Guards
Kvinchal Family
Lachance Dungeon Faction
Leyawiin Beggars
Leyawiin Castle Faction
Leyawiin Faction
Leyawiin Guard faction
Lirrian family in Bruma
Litte Family
Lord Drad Faction
Luther Broad Boarding House Faction
Lythandas Family
Mage Conversation Guild
Mages Guild
Malacath Faction
Malacath Ogre Faction
Manheim and Rufio Faction
Mankar Camoran faction
Mankar Camoran haters
Mankar Camoran lovers
Marauder Faction
Marillin Family
Marinus Catiotus Faction
Martin's faction
Mazoga Friend
Mehrunes Dagon faction
Mephala Faction
Meridia Faction
Methredhel's House
Mogens Wind-Shifter Faction
Molag Bal Faction
Moth Caretakers
Moth Priests
MQ10 allies
MQ12 Goblin Faction
MQ12 Undead Faction
MQ13 allies faction
MQ13 Daedra faction
MS27 dungeon crawl friends
MS31 Blackwater Brigands
Mucianus Zombie Faction
Mythic Dawn
Mythic Dawn for CG
Mythic Dawn immortals in the Garden
Mythic Dawn prisoner faction
Namira Faction
Necromancers Cult
Nenalata Undead faction
Nine Divines
Nobody hates deer
Nocturnal Faction
Nord Winds in Bruma
Oblivion Creatures
Oblivion gate daedra
Oblivion Pals
Odiil Family
Olav's Tap in Bruma
Ontus Vanin
Order of the Dragon
Order of the Virtuous Blood
Othrelos Faction
Owner and Employee of The Dividing Line
People Glarthir Hates
People who live in the Private Quarters
Peryite Faction
Pirates of the Sea Tub Clarabella
Player Faction
Player Vampire Faction
Player's Horse
Prey creatures
Prisoner of Hackdirt Brethren
Pundered Mine tribe
Purification Faction
Put the player or anyone hated in this faction
Ra'jiradh's Price
Rats hate the goblins
Raynil Dralas Faction
Refugees in the Kvatch Chapel
Regner's house in Bruma
Renrijra Krin Faction
Roderic Pierrane Faction
Rohssan's Family
Roxey Inn faction
Salomon Geonette's House Faction
Sanguine Faction
Seed-Neeus Family
Serethi sisters (Aleswell)
Seridur House Faction
Seridur Is Evil Faction
Shadowmere's Faction
Sheogorath Faction
Shuravi and Caelia's Faction
Sintav Family
Skingrad Beggars
Skingrad Castle Faction
Skingrad Citizen
Skingrad Guards
Skingrad Stables
Sleeping Mare Faction
Soldiers at Oblivion gates
Sparring faction
Stealth Test Guards
Surilie Brothers Faction
Surius Afranius' House Faction
Talos Plaza Horse
Tamika Winery Faction
Temple District Horse
Tertius Favonius Faction
Thamriel's House
Thaurron Pet Faction
The All Saints Inn Faction
The Anvil Sirens
The Black Hand
The Blackwood Company
The Doomed House Guests
The I Hate the Player Faction!
The Wrath of Sithis Secret Faction
Thieves Guild
Tiber Septim Hotel faction (IC)
Timberscar Cave tribe
Tired of being in the Eternal Garden
Two Sisters Faction
Tyrellius is Evil Faction
Ulfgar FACTION Peace
Umbacano Faction
Unicorn Faction
Used for MQ06 dialogue conditions
Vaermina Faction
Valen Dreth's EEEVIL faction
Vampire Faction
Vampire Hunters
Veyond Bandits
Wenderbek Cave tribe
West Weald Inn (Skingrad)
Weynon Priory Citizen
Worm Anchorite Faction

VIII. Discussion Questions
I would love to know your thoughts regarding the possible factions of Skyrim and how you think the player will interact with them.

Also, please let me know if I have listed any information above incorrectly. I'm particularly unsure about the names of the nine Holds and the various Cities, Towns, Villages and Settlements.
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Lory Da Costa
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 6:58 pm

Epic OP :D

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clelia vega
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:06 pm

The Dark Brotherhood faction was confirmed? I wasn't aware.
I just want some recognition for being of the faction, people seeing me as a master assassin or pickpocket. Necromancer seems interesting.
Well done on the OP, I must say.
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Roy Harris
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:01 pm

Did you read the list of factions from Oblivion? I'd say only few dozen are genuine factions.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 2:24 am

The Dark Brotherhood faction was confirmed? I wasn't aware.
I just want some recognition for being of the faction, people seeing me as a master assassin or pickpocket. Necromancer seems interesting.
Well done on the OP, I must say.

The DB was confirmed by Todd back in January, then mentioned again in a few other interviews.

Then at E3, Todd described College of Winterhold, Companions and Thieves' Guild as the three "major" factions, which made a lot of people worried, naturally. However, in a subsequent E3 interview, Ashley Cheng indicated something to the effect that there are three "major" factions and "a fourth is hinted at in the demo," referring to a section of the demo where a letter mentioning the Dark Brotherhood is found on a corpse.

Seems 99% likely that Dark Brotherhood is in. There is a very slight possibility that they would not be joinable, but given that Ashley Cheng brought them up when describing the three other Guild Factions, it seems most likely to be one of the Guild Factions. (Especially considering how popular it was in Oblivion, they must realize there would be a lot of angry fans if there is a non-joinable Dark Brotherhood). But let's see whether they mention this in the fan Q&A responses.
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Marta Wolko
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:02 am

Factions of Skyrim: Unofficial Guide
Confirmed Information and Discussion Thread

This thread is a repository for gathering and discussing confirmed faction-related information as well as speculating on the various possible factions of Skyrim and how the player will interact with them.

Q: What exactly is a "faction"?

A: A faction is simply a group of allied actors, which can consist of NPCs, animals, monsters, Daedric Princes, and/or the player. Each faction can contain as little as one member or as many as hundreds.

Some Skyrim factions have already been confirmed, and there a number of additional factions we can deduce from information revealed in previous interviews, videos, concept art and Skryim lore.

1. Guild Factions
The kind of faction many of us are most interested in are the guild-type factions, which the player can join and advance through a set of ranks, receiving quests and new spells along the way. For purposes of discussion in this thread, we will refer to these factions as "Guild Factions," merely as a way to differentiate them from the other categories.

1-1.Confirmed Skyrim Guild Factions
  • The College of Winterhold
  • The Companions
  • The Thieves' Guild
  • The Dark Brotherhood

1-2.Possible Skyrim Guild Factions
  • Necromancers
  • The Horme
  • Whiterun Witches' Coven
  • Arena Teams

1-3. Necromancers
Todd Howard and Craig Lafferty have both mentioned Necromancers in various interviews. According to Todd there is an exterior POI scene with an altar and "some necromancers." Quite possibly, they are not a faction the player can join; however, we do not yet know.

1-4. The Horme
According to the lore, there is an important bandit faction in Skyrim that has played a role in politics, supporting secession from the Empire. Hopefully they are still around as of the year 4E 200s

"The Horme, also known as the Horme Bandits, was a powerful quasi-miltarial bandit and maurauder organization that existed during the Third and Fourth Eras. The Horme was originally founded as a way for Potema Septim, the Wolf Queen of Solitude, to increase her military strength by recruiting bandits, marauders, and mercenaries. The Horme fought in the War of the Red Diamond where it was defeated, but not destroyed, by the Imperial Legion. Potema and Uriel Septim III did not survive this conflict and the Horme scattered into the Jerall, Valus, and Velothi Mountains. Eventually, they were reforged by a high ranking member of the Horme, and set about raiding and destroying Imperial interests in the provinces of High Rock, Skyrim, Morrowind, and northern Cyrodiil. After being united again, the Horme gained members and eventually became one of the major organizations rebelling against the Septim Empire, and later the Republic of Tamriel."

1-5. Whiterun Witches' Coven
According to the lore, there is a Witches' Coven in Whiterun, that may or may not still exist as of 4E 200s.

"Whiterun has not been as fortunate as its coastal northern cousins. A dynastic feud, attacks by Horme bandits and frost trolls, and a series of annihilating winters of alternating floods, droughts, and fires have crippled the area that was once considered the Imperial City of Skyrim. The population blamed and then curiously exalted the leader of the local witches' coven, Jsashe, a self proclaimed priestess of Lorkhan. The Witch Queen of Whiterun, as she is called, now wields effective control of the county, though her magic has not brought it prosperity as of yet."

1-6. Arena Factions
The http://www.imperial-library.info/content/go-blades and http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Skyrim#Notable_Places both mention numerous Arena teams that once existed in each Skyrim city.

List of historical Arena teams
  • Whiterun: Devastators
  • Snowhawk/Markath: Frost Demons
  • Rifton/Riften: Furies
  • Windhelm: Paladins
  • Winterhold: Annihilators
  • Haafingar/Solitude: Ravagers
  • Dawnstar: Avengers
  • Falcrenth: Dark Shadows

II. Location Factions

Each Hold will comprise a separate faction, with a distinct way to track the player's bounty and reputation within that hold. According to Todd, you can be a wanted criminal in one hold and "who's that?" in another.

If previous Bethesda open world sandbox games are any indication, there will also be separate factions for each city and perhaps even smaller location-specific factions to define the NPCs in these areas, such as waterfront area, castle area, skooma den, etc.

Whether these various Location Factions will be used as a means to determine rules for player disposition and things like helping out the player or other NPCs during combat (as was the case in Oblivion), or whether they will be more dynamic, with a reputation system that has a greater impact on gameplay (as was the case in Fallout New Vegas), we do not yet know.

Confirmed Location Factions
(9 holds - some of the names TBC)
  • Haafinheim (?) Hold
  • The Reach
  • Solitude Hold
  • Whiterun Hold
  • Falkreath Hold
  • Winterhold
  • The Pale
  • Eastmarch Hold
  • Rift Hold

Cities, Villages and Settlements (TBC)
  • Whiterun
  • Markarth Side
  • Karthwasten
  • Winterhold
  • Kynesgrove
  • Falkreath
  • Riverwood
  • Riften
  • solitude
  • Dragon Bridge
  • Greenwood
  • Dawnstar

III. Quest-Related Factions
This framegrab of a http://www.scharesoft.de/joomla/almanach/images/1/1f/Artwork_-_Art_of_Skyrim_-_Himmelsrand-Karte.jpg strongly suggests distinct EMPIRE and REBEL factions controlling different parts of Skyrim.

Since the game is set against the backdrop of a civil war, this is not surprising. Hopefully, the player will be able to play an active role in this central inter-faction conflict, for example choosing to support one side or the other.

Also related to the main quest, there will almost certainly separate factions for the Greybeards and the intelligent, speaking dragons.

Certainly there will be a number of side quests involving various smaller factions. Todd Howard mentioned that a few quests will involve a racial conflict between a group of racist Nords and a group of Elves.

Possible Quest Factions
  • Rebels
  • Empire
  • Greybeards
  • Speaking Dragons
  • Racist Nords
  • Elven Enemies of Racist Nords

IV. Creature Factions
The purpose of various creature factions is to make sure certain groups of creatures are friendly to each other.

Keep in mind, every creature in the game needs to belong to one or more factions in order to govern its disposition toward any other actors in encounters.

It is interesting to note that Todd Howard mentioned that certain species will hunt other species (for example, a pack of wolves will hunt mammoths, and foxes will hunt rabbits, etc.). This suggests a greater number of creature factions compared with Oblivion, this behavior did not take place in previous TES games.

V. Inter-Faction Conflict
There will be a great deal of inter-faction conflicts, as in previous TES games. In Skyrim, as a result of the civil war, hopefully this conflict will manifest in more meaningful conflict between human NPC factions and perhaps between a number of factions in which the player can participate, such as the Empire vs. Rebels, since certain Holds will likely be allied with one of the sides in the war.

It is interesting to note that any individual NPC can belong to numerous factions simultaneously.

For example, an NPC who is a member of the Companions might belong to
  • Whiterun Hold Faction
  • Whiterun City Faction
  • Companions
  • Rebels

This raises questions, such as how would a situation be resolved where a particular faction, such as the Companions, sides with the Rebels in the civil war, but the city, or Whiterun Hold, were to side with the Empire? How does this impact an NPC who is a member of Companions and a member of Whiterun Hold?

VI. Logistics Factions
There has always been a need in Bethesda's open world sandbox games to make use of certain factions to solve very specific problems, such as to resolve ownership problems for certain objects, or to ensure that one or two specific NPCs don't attack each other, etc.

VII. How Many Factions?
If Oblivion is any indication, there will most likely be several hundred factions in Skyrim.

For reference, see below a list of the factions in Oblivion.

Complete Listing of Oblivion Factions (331 total)

Adrian Decanius Faction
Adventurer Faction
Agarmir's Faction
Aleswell -- people Serethi sisters dislike
Aleswell faction
All the dremora guards and torturers
Amantius Allectus Door Owners
Amantius Allectus House
Ancotar's faction
Anvil -- Count's Arms faction
Anvil - Enilroth lovers faction
Anvil - Foc'sle faction
Anvil - Heinrich Oaken-Hull's house
Anvil - Inventius family
Anvil - Jesan sixtius faction
Anvil - Morvayn's store faction
Anvil - Newheim faction
Anvil - The Serpent's Wake faction
Anvil Beggars
Anvil castle residents
Anvil Citizen
Anvil Flowing Bowl
Anvil guard faction
Anvil Harborside warehouse
Anyone wearing Bands of the Chosen
Arano Family
Arcane University
Arena Bloodworks Dwellers
Arena Champions
Arena Hopefuls
Arena Player
Arena Spectator Combatants
Arena Yellow Team
Athram Family
Atius Family
Baenlin's Faction
Bandit Faction
Barren Mine tribe
Best Goods and Guarantees Merchants
Black Bow Faction
Black Horse Courier Vendors
Blackwood Company
Bleakers Way Faction
Boethia Faction
Border Watch Resident
Bravil - Lonely Suitor Lodge faction
Bravil - Silverhome faction
Bravil Beggars
Bravil Castle faction
Bravil Faction
Bravil guards faction
Bravil Loche family
Bravil Skooma Den faction
Bravil Stables
Brolus family in Bruma
Bruiant Family Faction
Bruma Beggars
Bruma Cheydinhal Bridge Inn
Bruma Citizens
CG Creature Faction
CG goblins
Character gen Blades faction
Chestnut Handy Stables
Cheydinhal Castle
Cheydinhal Citizens
Cheydinhal Guards
Cheydinhal Newslands Lodge
Cheydinhal Orum's Gang
Cheydinhal Peasants and Serfs
Cheydinhal Riverview faction
Cheydinhal Stables
Cheydinhal Willow Bank
Chorrol Beggars
Chorrol Citizen
Chorrol Guard Faction
Chorrol Stables
Claude Maric's personal faction
Claude Maric's Thugs
Claudius Arcadia's Faction
Clavicus Vile Faction
Cracked Wood Hollow tribe
Cropsford faction
Daedra monsters in the caves
Dalvilu FACTION Peace
Dalvilu FACTION War
Dark Brotherhood
Dark Brotherhood -- Won't Call Guards
Dark Brotherhood Elite
Dark Brotherhood Generic Evil Faction
Dark Brotherhood No Guards Allowed Club
Dark Brotherhood Player Hate Faction
Dark Brotherhood Player Secret Faction
Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary Dwellers
Dark Brotherhood Underlings
Dark06 Hotel Faction
Derelict Mine tribe
Dovyn Aren Faction
Draconis Family Faction
Dro'fahr Faction
DulgroShug Faction
Eight Cities Couriers Customers
Elven Gardens Horse
Emperor faction, for Uriel and Martin
Escaped Prisoner
Everscamp Faction
Evil -- no affiliation
Faction for all friendlies in MQ16
Faction for creatures friendly to Ancotar
Faction for final MD assassin in CG
Faction for First Edition NPCs
Faction for roving MD assassins
Fathis Ules Faction
FGC03 Hrota Thieves
FGC06 Goblins
Fighters Guild
For ghost blades in Sancre Tor
Fort Nikel Team A
Fort Nikel Team B
Fort Ontus Mage Faction
Friend of the Imperial Legion
Friends of Itius Hayn
Generic Owner
Gilen Norvalo's House Faction
Glarthir Faction
Goblin Jim's tribe
Gogan's Family Faction
Gottlesfont Faction
Graman gro-Marad's House Faction
Hackdirt monster faction
Hastrel Ottus' House Faction
Havilstein Hoar-Blood's Secret Faction
Henantier's Faction
Hermaeus Mora Faction
Herminia Cinna Faction
Hircine Faction
Honmund's house in Bruma
Horse Whisperer
IC - Best Defense
IC -- Bit and Bridle
IC - Three Brothers
IC Beggars
IC Citizens
IC Palace faction
Ida Vlinorman Faction
Imperial City Arena Monster Faction
Imperial City Waterfront Resident
Imperial Legion
Imperial Legion Battlemage
Imperial Legion Outside Faction
Imperial Trading Company
Imperial Watch
Iniel Sintav Faction
Inn of Ill Omen
Irene Metric Faction
Jair Family
Jakben Family
Janus Hassildor Faction
Jastia Sintav Faction
Jemane Family Faction
Jerall View in Bruma
Kalthar Pet Faction
Kastus Sintav Faction
Kathutet's personal faction
Knights of the Thorn
Knights of the White Stallion
Kurdan gro-Dragol's Faction of EEEEvil
Kvatch citizens
Kvatch Creatures
Kvatch Guards
Kvinchal Family
Lachance Dungeon Faction
Leyawiin Beggars
Leyawiin Castle Faction
Leyawiin Faction
Leyawiin Guard faction
Lirrian family in Bruma
Litte Family
Lord Drad Faction
Luther Broad Boarding House Faction
Lythandas Family
Mage Conversation Guild
Mages Guild
Malacath Faction
Malacath Ogre Faction
Manheim and Rufio Faction
Mankar Camoran faction
Mankar Camoran haters
Mankar Camoran lovers
Marauder Faction
Marillin Family
Marinus Catiotus Faction
Martin's faction
Mazoga Friend
Mehrunes Dagon faction
Mephala Faction
Meridia Faction
Methredhel's House
Mogens Wind-Shifter Faction
Molag Bal Faction
Moth Caretakers
Moth Priests
MQ10 allies
MQ12 Goblin Faction
MQ12 Undead Faction
MQ13 allies faction
MQ13 Daedra faction
MS27 dungeon crawl friends
MS31 Blackwater Brigands
Mucianus Zombie Faction
Mythic Dawn
Mythic Dawn for CG
Mythic Dawn immortals in the Garden
Mythic Dawn prisoner faction
Namira Faction
Necromancers Cult
Nenalata Undead faction
Nine Divines
Nobody hates deer
Nocturnal Faction
Nord Winds in Bruma
Oblivion Creatures
Oblivion gate daedra
Oblivion Pals
Odiil Family
Olav's Tap in Bruma
Ontus Vanin
Order of the Dragon
Order of the Virtuous Blood
Othrelos Faction
Owner and Employee of The Dividing Line
People Glarthir Hates
People who live in the Private Quarters
Peryite Faction
Pirates of the Sea Tub Clarabella
Player Faction
Player Vampire Faction
Player's Horse
Prey creatures
Prisoner of Hackdirt Brethren
Pundered Mine tribe
Purification Faction
Put the player or anyone hated in this faction
Ra'jiradh's Price
Rats hate the goblins
Raynil Dralas Faction
Refugees in the Kvatch Chapel
Regner's house in Bruma
Renrijra Krin Faction
Roderic Pierrane Faction
Rohssan's Family
Roxey Inn faction
Salomon Geonette's House Faction
Sanguine Faction
Seed-Neeus Family
Serethi sisters (Aleswell)
Seridur House Faction
Seridur Is Evil Faction
Shadowmere's Faction
Sheogorath Faction
Shuravi and Caelia's Faction
Sintav Family
Skingrad Beggars
Skingrad Castle Faction
Skingrad Citizen
Skingrad Guards
Skingrad Stables
Sleeping Mare Faction
Soldiers at Oblivion gates
Sparring faction
Stealth Test Guards
Surilie Brothers Faction
Surius Afranius' House Faction
Talos Plaza Horse
Tamika Winery Faction
Temple District Horse
Tertius Favonius Faction
Thamriel's House
Thaurron Pet Faction
The All Saints Inn Faction
The Anvil Sirens
The Black Hand
The Blackwood Company
The Doomed House Guests
The I Hate the Player Faction!
The Wrath of Sithis Secret Faction
Thieves Guild
Tiber Septim Hotel faction (IC)
Timberscar Cave tribe
Tired of being in the Eternal Garden
Two Sisters Faction
Tyrellius is Evil Faction
Ulfgar FACTION Peace
Umbacano Faction
Unicorn Faction
Used for MQ06 dialogue conditions
Vaermina Faction
Valen Dreth's EEEVIL faction
Vampire Faction
Vampire Hunters
Veyond Bandits
Wenderbek Cave tribe
West Weald Inn (Skingrad)
Weynon Priory Citizen
Worm Anchorite Faction

VIII. Discussion Questions
I would love to know your thoughts regarding the possible factions of Skyrim and how you think the player will interact with them.

Also, please let me know if I have listed any information above incorrectly. I'm particularly unsure about the names of the nine Holds and the various Cities, Towns, Villages and Settlements.

What about the Volk'har?
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:45 am

The Dark Brotherhood faction was confirmed? I wasn't aware.
I just want some recognition for being of the faction, people seeing me as a master assassin or pickpocket. Necromancer seems interesting.
Well done on the OP, I must say.

It was confirmed to be in the game whether or not it's joinable is debatable though.
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:06 pm

What about the Volk'har?

I would love to know more about them - can you elaborate?
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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:43 pm

I think that there will only be the 4 Guild Factions that the player can join. The other factions will probably follow a FO: NV style reputation system, so if you do quests for the Empire faction, the Rebel faction will like you less, making it more difficult or impossible to get quests from the Rebels.

I also think that Skyrim should use a FO: NV style reputation system, but I'm not confident that they will. I would also be more than happy if they just made up something completely new.

Edit* I think that there should be an option to vote "none" in some of the poll options.

Double Edit* I would just like to say, I'm impressed by the OP. It's very well thought out, and organized in a way that makes all the information easy to understand. Good job! :thumbsup:
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adam holden
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 6:26 pm

I think the history is advanced now to a civil war between the pro-Empire faction based at Solitude and Windhelm as the rebel faction. I assume that this means that the Nords of Windhelm are what some people were calling the racist Nords.
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Joe Alvarado
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:24 pm

Did you read the list of factions from Oblivion? I'd say only few dozen are genuine factions.

Most are factions in the sense of they have unique set rules of who they will attack and who they won't. It makes sense if you play InFamous 2 and figure out how to get their mission creator working (Beams with Pride). Others while being part of the same group have different ideas which make them a different faction vs a different group. Same group different factions inside a group. Like Take Any political group for example. While being members of the same group many have different factions or ideas based on differing ideas but they still associate with the group as a whole and will still vote for their candidate.
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Scotties Hottie
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 6:36 pm

I think the history is advanced now to a civil war between the pro-Empire faction based at Solitude and Windhelm as the rebel faction. I assume that this means that the Nords of Windhelm are what some people were calling the racist Nords.

Interesting, yes, that would make a lot of sense, since the Empire has been more welcoming of different races or more of a "melting pot." Perhaps this is a somewhat complex factor in the civil war.

Was there some idea about which part of Skyrim will have more Dunmer immigrants?
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Milagros Osorio
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 5:03 pm

wow, big faction topic. i like.
hoping for morrowind levels of faction interaction, or greater. and most importantly LONGER.
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Janine Rose
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:39 pm

Interesting, yes, that would make a lot of sense, since the Empire has been more welcoming of different races or more of a "melting pot." Perhaps this is a somewhat complex factor in the civil war.

Was there some idea about which part of Skyrim will have more Dunmer immigrants?

There is supposed to be town, I believe it was said to be just inside the eastern border.
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Beth Belcher
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:34 pm

There is supposed to be town, I believe it was said to be just inside the eastern border.


If the Rebels are more xenophobic and less tolerant of the Mer, it is very interesting to note that the largest Dunmer population is located within the area controlled by the Rebels.

maybe this presents opportunities for political intrigue, or perhaps the Rebel side is more tolerant?

Or maybe the Bethesda devs were just screwing with our heads and they switched the REBEL and EMPIRE on the map the day that the video was filmed? :rofl:
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Rebecca Clare Smith
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