Sload, Imga and Lilmothiit?

Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:26 pm

Sload wouldn't work for playable races anyways.

Agreed. If they ever 'officially' make an appearance again, it'll be as npcs or creatures. I mean, they won't be able to wear most clothes outside of cloaks, armor is out of the question, as are weapons, which the Sload can't wield. So most of the game's material content would be off limits, and you'd have no chance at playing anything other than a mage. What I'm pushing for is really niche-audience, mod material. Still, I wanted to make the point that they could appear anywhere, even in Skyrim.

Imga could very possibly appear also (Marukh the Prophet is suspected of being an Imga, and his strongest follower was a Nord King). Lilmothiit would help widen the beast-race selection, but they'll all supposedly long dead.

ill just bring my salt shaker.

And don't forget your handy-dandy well-filled sneeze-inducing
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Miranda Taylor
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 2:56 pm

Lore wise most of these wouldn't work.

I would like to see some of those races in this game or future titles.
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 2:09 am

There are all the races for people.

I'd go for the Imga, Ka'po'tun and Tang Mo. I really hope the DLC for this game involves going across the pond to the Akaviri lands.

OR a DLC involving a lost group of Tsaesci. That would blow minds.
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 3:51 pm

Lilmothiit on cave drawings or something would be very cool since the Lore basically killed them off.
I would wish to see a random sload maybe living in a dank cave near the Vvardenfell/Skyrim Border.
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:32 pm

There are all the races for people.

I'd go for the Imga, Ka'po'tun and Tang Mo. I really hope the DLC for this game involves going across the pond to the Akaviri lands.

OR a DLC involving a lost group of Tsaesci. That would blow minds.

All of the akirvir races would be killed.Considering they all plan to take over tamerial,read the lore on your link next time it will help.
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kelly thomson
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:24 am

Lore wise a Kamal appearance could work well, okay not as playable characters, but bringing more unseen races even as NPC's would be amazing in my opinion.

Also... I don't get why the Tang Mo wouldn't be able to show up? By the sounds of things they've not really done anything to affect Tamriel, maybe in the past 200 years, after endless attempts from the other Akavir races they've finally been forced out of their homeland and fled across seas?

I know none of this will happen, as its already been confirmed to only have the previous 10, but still, discussion is nice :D

The kamal wouldn't work due to lore,they invaded tamerial once and I think the name "snow demons" won't help.....

The Tang Mo would be very unikely do the fact every akaviri race besides them has invaded tamerial.
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 2:55 am

All of the akirvir races would be killed.Considering they all plan to take over tamerial,read the lore on your link next time it will help.

Not...really. Remember the Potentates of the Second Era? Tsaesci actually ruled the Empire, fulfilling the oath they had made to Reman. Tsaesci also founded the city of Rimmen (on a grant of land given to them by the Mane, I believe) and were admired highly by the Cyrodiils, who thought them both beautiful and worth imitating. Hence Cloud Ruler Temple, the red dragon symbol, the Blades armor, etc.

If a lone Akaviri or two showed up on Tamriel's shores, I really doubt they'd be executed on the spot. Treated with suspicion, sure. Interrogated possibly. Murdered, I really doubt it.

EDIT: Not to say that I'm in favor of the Akaviri as playable races.
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 12:06 am

The Lilmothiit no longer exist.

The Imga... EDIT: could be, though maybe they would fit more for TES: Valenwood. I suppose there is a reason why they don't live in other regions (as we haven't seen them in Morrowind, Daggerfall or Oblivion), but it would be nice to have them in the game that takes place in their land.

The Sloads...

Sure, what could be more fun than playing as Jabba the Mage? Er...I mean, no. I think I'd sooner play as a Lich, and I'm against making those playable too. :P

In addition, I don't think it belongs. They are not Tamrielic, so playing as one would be completely different. Nobody would trust you and everybody would look at you, as they are not very common, in Tamriel...
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Charles Mckinna
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:58 pm

The Imga... well, the problem is that all of them (or at least MOST MOST MOST of them) live in Summerset Isles and they are slaves.

Where'd you get this information? My sources say they live in Valenwood, and that Altmer use goblins as slaves, not Imga. The Imga are to the Altmer what the Annoying Fan is to the Grand Champion. Although some notable Imga have "defected" from the elvish cause. Notably Marukh, as I mentioned earlier.
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:33 pm

Where'd you get this information? My sources say they live in Valenwood, and that Altmer use goblins as slaves, not Imga. The Imga are to the Altmer what the Annoying Fan is to the Grand Champion. Although some notable Imga have "defected" from the elvish cause. Notably Marukh, as I mentioned earlier.

Ouch, my bad, them.
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:40 pm

How about other races like the Aureal or Mazken? its not like Daedra are entirely alien to Tamriel and while many may find the character suspicious its not like they could not function.

In b4 Daedra cannot be Dragon Born!

and Sloads can? eww.
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Shianne Donato
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:34 pm

I would like the option of playing as daedra, but I'd also like the experience to actually be different than playing a mortal race. You should be cast into Oblivion when you die, and then find your way back to the mortal plane (or just hang in one of the daedric realms for a while). Only issues with this is you would lose any non-daedric materials you had with you, which you would have to recover, and there's no way Bethesda is going to design a whole daedric realm (let alone all of them) for daedric characters to putter around in if they die. They might concoct "pocket realms" that are mini-realm versions of the larger daedric realms, which could be cool. But it would still require a lot of new resources. There should also be a chance for you to be summoned by a mage, although you should be allowed to accept or decline (daedra are never forced into coming).

But hopefully such an experience would set the immortal oblivion-dwellers apart from the mere mortal races of Tamriel.
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josie treuberg
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:15 pm

no im not a fan of beast races anyways unless they make something really original. what i do want to see is real differences between the current races that matter all the way through the game and not just some useless stat boost at the beginning that is obsolete after a couple of hours.
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 3:55 pm

You should add an option "Yes, but not in Skyrim. In a further TES."
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:42 pm

For these being playable, I think there should be, as a necessary condition, major event (for example, a trial in which they obtain justice, or a battle into which they get involved and help the Empire, or commercial agreements) of which a consequence would be a recognition of them as citizens of the Empire, subjected and protected by its law as any Man or Mer. This is also the case with Dreughs, Spriggans, Minotaurs, Centaurs, Goblins, Rieklings and any other humano?d race. Since they aren't recognized yet by the Empire, some kind of law-modifying event would be in my opinion required for them to become playable in a lore-friendly manner...
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Post » Sat Jun 25, 2011 8:52 pm

It would be neat to interact with them.
Play as them? No.
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