Aw come now Mort, give em a break.
There is no denying the stuff you posted has vastly more substance than almost all else that was posted here, but is that really the point? Remember you're on an Elder Scrolls forum, not a metal one haha. There is a time and a place. These guys were jus looking to sit back and hear a cheerful folky tune to get their spirits up for Skyrim, not some deep musical discussion. Not everyone knows about bands like Enslaved, Graveland, Kroda, Falkenbach, Windir, Thyrfing, Satanic Warmaster, Ulver, etc. , we were all there at one point. Even if most folk metal isn't the best music out there, don't tell me you don't enjoy a drunken viking jig every now and then. Let them have their Fintroll and Ensiferum, you gotta admit that that stuff is still by far better than 99.5 % of all other music out there.
By all means expose them, but no need to act like an elitist dike right?
Truth be told, it was more so just being in a Skype chat with some friends of mine and laughing/cringing at some of the things posted in here that inspired me to post here about it. It has always been my message board 'act' of sorts to be the big screaming elitist dike, and I've never really felt any need to change it because I get some more or less hilarious reactions by it. I mean, in all reality, I have little room to talk because I love Paramore for Christ sake.
And nah, I"d really not admit that about Fintroll and Ensiferum

The current flavor of the month hip hop radio music? Sure, but there is plenty of great music out there that I'd rather listen to than them.
And for the record, I'll just throw this out there,