I have four ideas mapped out right now: a dungeon crawl, a Dwemer ruin, a fortress/small city, and a weapon.
Working on the dungeon right now, probably be another two weeks before it's finished. Originally the Dwemer ruin was first, but I was/am forced to re-do it, and when I came up with the dungeon idea, I just had to put that one ahead of the re-do. I may also do the fortress before the Dwemer ruin as well, since it probably won't take as long. The weapon's most likely last, because it isn't going to be a simple re-mesh or anything, I plan to build a whole new mesh from the ground up, with a LOT of detail, and possibly particle effects. For someone like myself, that's going to take awhile.
And who knows what ideas I'll come up with in the meantime.

By the way, we need a "0" option on the "Projects Abandoned" question. Not everyone has something in that category.