You could simply use, and possibly even toggling all its options off except the portable bedrolls part if you aren't that interested in sleep mechanics, and solve any and all problems. TNO is one of the top scripters around and his mod has no savegame bloat issues at all.
That said, the potential for savegame bloat isn't that bad unless the offending mod creates gazillions of PlaceAtMe references, but its there, and can't be removed easily. Wrye Bash has some semi-experimental stuff that removes the references created with PlaceAtMe by a mod, but only if the mod they come from is no longer active AND the base object from those references belong exclusively to the mod. If that bedroll mod is placing vanilla bedrolls around, they can't be removed, but if it uses its own bedroll forms they can once the mod is uninstalled.
Finally, the main problem with that mod and many others which used PlaceAtMe is that DeleteReference didn't exist when they were created, or the authors wrongly believed that Disable would get rid of the issue. A mod can use PlaceAtMe safely as long as it ensures that those PlaceAtMe references are kept in check so that the mod can use Disable followed by DeleteReference when they are no longer needed or upon uninstalling.
Edit: I had a drop lit torch mod that created something like 600 placeatme references, and they increased the size of the savegame in 30 Kb.