Unable to start application

Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 4:18 am

Hi, I have Windows 7 64 bit, 2GBRAM
Intel Pentium Dual CPU 2.20GHZ

Every time I load up Oblivion I get, the unable to start application error, I have the game of the year edition installed
I have moved the old saved games but I still get the same error message.

I have also tried disabling my Norton 360 Anti-virus But still get error message

I have the latest video card drivers and DirectX 11 installed.

Can any one please help
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 5:09 pm

With the very inadequate few facts you have offered, there's no way to be certain of anything much about your symptoms, however, you do not have a standard processor. The Pentium Dual is a version of the Core family that has been seriously gutted to only a small fraction of its normal cache amounts to reduce the cost to produce it, and its overall performance is so far below the rest of the Cores, it might as well be called a Celeron, it's so terrible. If the CPU isn't the reason for the system to fail, it certainly is going to be a reason that the PC will perform poorly after you do learn what is causing the startup to be faulty.
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