I don't think so. We could own a "shop" of a sorts maybe by going to the mines, mining some ore, making a weapon or armor and then selling it for a profit, but thats not really a shop.
Though the oblivion stores were kind of bland, they all looked the same and had the same signs if they were the same kind of stores. Hopefully they fix that.
Though the oblivion stores were kind of bland, they all looked the same and had the same signs if they were the same kind of stores. Hopefully they fix that.
Oh yeah they carefully handcrafted the whole game. Even each dungeon is unique!
Wonderful! I knew they handcrafted the houses and dungeons, just not the stores. Wait a second......I DIDN'T KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT SKYRIM?!?!?!?!?!!? Excuse me while i kill myself. ((Just Kidding ^o^))
Well, in addition to Houses for Sale in towns and cities, they could also include Shops for Sale. Or even make it so you can turn your bought house INTO a shop!
So long as there's only a handful available and there's something of substance to them, I'm all for it. Just no Fable "every rock is for sale" [censored]e.
To make it far I think you should only be allowed 1 shop total. I'd rather not have every shop in Skyrim mine. (I lied :sadvaultboy: ) But I think you can select what shop it'll be. so once you buy it you can choose from various items. Alchemy/Weapons/Armor/Spells/Misc. Or maybe even know a pub!
Wonderful! I knew they handcrafted the houses and dungeons, just not the stores. Wait a second......I DIDN'T KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT SKYRIM?!?!?!?!?!!? Excuse me while i kill myself. ((Just Kidding ^o^))
I would like a shop, but maybe a you just own the shop and hire someone to stand their all day and keep an inventory; and then, you can come by whenever and add inventory and pick up the profits.