1. Kajiit screenshot released a while back
Edited *by me to exclude text* Scan from Playstation magazine depicting a warrior with armor similar to the Khajiit's [img]http://imageshack.us...52xewicx5b.jpg/[/img]
2.Resized/Cropped screenshot of warrior on horse
Resized/Cropped screenshot of same warrior with slight differences in armor
in #1, Khajiit and (Nord?) appear to wearing similar armor with slight differences; take a look at chest and pauldrons (this could be the "each race has unique armor")
and in #2, CHECK OUT THAT HORNED HELMET in second picture, then if you study both pictures you'll find that both characters wear the same armor vest and greaves (look at thigh plates), but one on horse is wearing forearm armor, not gloves, forearm armor