Missing meshes/Lights folder, game still working.

Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 10:02 am

Hi, first of all, I have patched Oblivion to 1.2_416 and these are the mods installed:
UnofficialOverhaul, Q's Texturepack III, OBGEv2 with shaders enabled, OBGE Liquid water, Natural Enviroment, Foreverview, Loading Screens, and some more that don't overwrite files.
Games works perfectly on my rig, no stutters or crashes.

Windows 7 64bit
6Gb RAM, Quad core i7 3.2Ghz, ASUS HD6970 2Gb
Nothing OC'd.

Even with a big windows search, I can't find the .nif file I am looking for (a candle fat model). Either way, the Lights folder just doesn't exist. I tried switching on 'show hidden folders and files' but no effect either.

Should I try reinstalling Oblivion? Is a mod causing this?
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Nathan Maughan
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:10 am

Just about every game file is packed in the BSA's. You'll need a BSA extractor to access them. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2097 has one included.
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hannah sillery
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:29 pm

So Oblivion and TEScon uses these .bsa archives? Can they be modified or are they supposed to be the basis of your mods?

Thanks to you I can now continue modding in Oblivion, it would've taken long before I thought of taking a look at those archives ;)
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:36 am

So Oblivion and TEScon uses these .bsa archives? Can they be modified or are they supposed to be the basis of your mods?

Thanks to you I can now continue modding in Oblivion, it would've taken long before I thought of taking a look at those archives ;)

The CS and Nifskope etc. can not use the BSA directly for modifying them -- in order to modify them you need to extract the NIF from the BSA and place it in the proper folder in your game folders --- When the game runs it will first check the folders for any modified files and if none are found will resort to using the ones packed in the BSA archive (It is done this way so that you can use modified files without ever actually getting rid of the original files in case something goes wrong you still have the originals - If it just overwrote the original with any modded version you might not be able to recover the original after using a mod)
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