Some strange (for me) problem

Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 4:17 am

My load order
00 Oblivion.esm
01 All Natural Base.esm [Version 1.3]
02 Cobl Main.esm [Version 1.73]
03 Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm [Version 1.34]
04 Mart's Monster Mod.esm [Version 3.7b3p3]
05 Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esm [Version 0.9.9b3]
06 Waalx Animals & Creatures.esm
07 Armamentarium.esm [Version 1.35]
08 Hemingweys Capes Improved.esm [Version 3.0b]
09 Better Cities Resources.esm [Version 4.9.5]
0A NNWAEMaster.esm
0B John's Leveled List Overhaul.esm
0C ScreenEffects.esm
** TNR ALL RACES FINAL.esp [Version 1.06]
** TNR - ShiveringIsles.esp [Version 1.00]
++ GrassFix.esp
0D Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp [Version 3.3.5]
0E DLCShiveringIsles.esp
0F Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp [Version 1.4.2]
** Oblivion Vwalk UOS.esp
** DLCShiveringIsles Vwalk UOS.esp
** DLCShiveringIsles Vwalk DG_DS UOS.esp
10 Better Cities .esp
11 All Natural.esp [Version 1.3]
12 All Natural - SI.esp [Version 1.3]
++ All Natural - MMM Patch.esp [Version 1.3]
13 Immersive Interiors.esp [Version 0.8]
14 Immersive Interiors - Lights Addon.esp [Version 0.8]
15 Realistic Water.esp
16 Idle Dialogue.esp
++ Symphony of Violence.esp
17 MIS Low Wind.esp
18 MIS New Sounds Optional Part.esp
19 Better Rainbows.esp
1A All Natural - Real Lights.esp [Version 1.3]
1B WindowLightingSystem.esp
++ dist_trees_x1_5.esp
1C diversegrasses.esp
1D ImprovedSigns.esp
++ Item interchange - Extraction.esp [Version 0.78]
1E PTFallingStars.esp
1F RAEVWD New Sheoth.esp [Version 1.6.1]
++ VA_BetterGold.esp
20 Display Stats.esp [Version 1.3.1]
21 DropLitTorchOBSE.esp [Version 2.4]
22 Enhanced Seasons.esp [Version 1.3.2]
23 Map Marker Overhaul.esp [Version 3.8]
24 Map Marker Overhaul - SI additions.esp [Version 3.5]
25 ClassyClothingCompendium.esp
26 PTArtifacts.esp
** Armamentium female.esp
27 Cobl Glue.esp [Version 1.73]
28 Cobl Si.esp [Version 1.63]
29 Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp [Version 1.34]
++ OOO-DLT_Remover.esp [Version 1.33]
2A Alluring Potion Bottles v3.esp
2B Alluring Wine Bottles.esp
2C Hemingweys Capes Improved for FCOM.esp [Version 3.0b]
++ Hemingweys FCOM NPC Capes Improved IC Guards.esp [Version 3.0b]
** Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul Vwalk.esp
** OMOBS_SI.esp [Version 2.0]
++ ArmamentariumLLVendors.esp [Version 1.35]
2D ArmamentariumArtifacts.esp [Version 1.35]
** John's Leveled List Overhaul.esp
++ John's Leveled List Overhaul - Cyrodillic Armors.esp
++ John's Leveled List Overhaul for OOO.esp
2E OOO 1.32-Cobl.esp [Version 1.72]
2F Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esp [Version 0.9.9b5]
++ Mart's Monster Mod - Shivering Isles.esp
++ Mart's Monster Mod - No Swarms.esp [Version 3.7b3]
++ Mart's Monster Mod - No Blood.esp [Version 3.7b3]
++ Mart's Monster Mod - No Bone Loot.esp [Version 3.7b3]
++ Mart's Monster Mod - No Fiends.esp [Version 3.7b3]
++ Mart's Monster Mod - No Slimes.esp [Version 3.7b3]
++ Mart's Monster Mod - No Lanterns.esp [Version 3.7b3]
++ Mart's Monster Mod - No Adventurers.esp [Version 3.7b3]
++ Mart's Monster Mod - No Wyvern.esp [Version 3.7b3]
++ Mart's Monster Mod - No Pests.esp
++ Mart's Monster Mod - No Beholdens.esp [Version 3.7b3]
++ Mart's Monster Mod - No Uberhulks.esp [Version 3.7b3]
++ Mart's Monster Mod - No Skeep.esp [Version 3.7b3]
++ Mart's Monster Mod - Friendlier Factions OOO.esp [Version 3.7b3]
30 Mart's Monster Mod - Farm Animals.esp
++ Mart's Monster Mod - Slof Horses Complete.esp [Version 3.7b3]
++ Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Runeskulls Loot OOO.esp [Version 3.7b3]
31 OWC - Seaworld.esp
++ ArmamentariumLL4OOO.esp [Version 2.01]
++ ArmamentariumLLMagicOOO.esp [Version 1.35]
++ MMM-Cobl.esp [Version 1.73]
** EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer4FCOM.esp
32 Plate Armor Plus - OOO_FCOM_version.esp
33 WAC.esp
34 WAC - Dead Knights.esp
35 WAC - Birds&Insects.esp
36 WAC - TCOS.esp
37 WAC - TCOS Shops.esp [Version 03]
++ WAC-OOO.esp
** WACstats.esp
** TIE.esp [Version 1.45]
38 CNRP Bruma4OOO.esp [Version 0.2]
39 CNRP Chorrol4OOO.esp [Version 1.1]
3A CNRP DB for OOO.esp [Version 1.0]
3B CNRP Cheydinhal4OOO.esp [Version 1.0]
3C CNRP FightersGuild4OOO.esp [Version 1.0]
3D LBUndeadAdditions.esp
3E Smarter Bandits.esp
3F Ancient Ruins - Ayleid Edition.esp
40 Anduril Reforged.esp
41 Anvil_MorningGloryBetterCities_Mixed.esp
42 EM_Packdonkeys.esp [Version 1.1]
43 ICEXPAND.esp [Version 1.5BCE]
44 Kragenir's Death Quest.esp [Version 2.1]
** Kragenir's Death Quest Vwalk.esp
45 The Imperial Water - BETTER CITIES.esp
46 NNWAREAyleidDungeons_Series1EV.esp [Version 2.2b]
47 NNWAEDungeons-Series2EV.esp
48 NNWARE06-RhyeliaEmeroEV.esp
49 The Duelists.esp
4A TheForgottenShields.esp
4B Vampire Hunting - Order of the Virtuous Blood.esp
** Vampire Hunting - Order Of The Virtuous Blood Vwalk.esp
4C WellDiver.esp
4D Cyrodiil Travel Services.esp [Version 2.0.7]
4E Mighty Umbra.esp
++ FCOM_MightyUmbra.esp [Version 0.9.9]
4F road+bridges.esp [Version 4.6]
++ Hemingweys Capes for NRB.esp [Version 3.0b]
50 Celestiel - EV.esp
51 xuldarkforest.esp [Version 1.0.5]
52 WAC-ULdarkforest-patch.esp
53 xulStendarrValley.esp [Version 1.2.2]
54 xulTheHeath.esp
55 XulEntiusGorge.esp
56 xulFallenleafEverglade.esp [Version 1.3.1]
57 xulColovianHighlands_EV.esp [Version 1.2.1]
58 xulChorrolHinterland.esp [Version 1.2.2]
** xulChorrolHinterland Vwalk.esp
59 WAC-ULchorrolhinterland-patch.esp
5A xulBeachesOfCyrodiilLostCoast.esp [Version 1.6.4]
5B WAC - xulBCLostCoast.esp
5C HentaiMania2.esp
** HentaiMania2 Vwalk.esp
++ HentaiMania2_Merged_Hell.esp
** HentaiMania2_Merged_Hell Vwalk.esp
5D xulBravilBarrowfields.esp [Version 1.3.3]
** xulBravilBarrowfields Vwalk.esp
5E xulLushWoodlands.esp [Version 1.3.1]
5F xulAncientYews.esp [Version 1.4.3]
60 xulAncientRedwoods.esp [Version 1.6]
61 xulCloudtopMountains.esp [Version 1.0.3]
62 xulArriusCreek.esp [Version 1.1.3]
63 xulPatch_AY_AC.esp [Version 1.1]
64 xulRollingHills_EV_withoutWheat.esp [Version 1.3.3]
65 xulPantherRiver.esp
66 xulRiverEthe.esp [Version 1.0.2]
67 xulBrenaRiverRavine.esp [Version 1.1]
** xulBrenaRiverRavine Vwalk.esp
68 xulImperialIsle.esp [Version 1.6.7]
** xulImperialIsle Vwalk.esp
69 xulBlackwoodForest.esp [Version 1.1.0]
6A xulCheydinhalFalls.esp [Version 1.0.1]
6B xulAspenWood.esp [Version 1.0.2]
** xulAspenWood Vwalk.esp
6C xulSkingradOutskirts.esp [Version 1.0.1]
** xulSkingradOutskirts Vwalk.esp
6D xulSnowdale.esp [Version 1.0.2]
6E OOO-Snowdale Patch.esp
6F xulCliffsOfAnvil.esp [Version 1.12]
70 OOOCliffsofAnvilPatch.esp [Version 1.1]
** xulCliffsOfAnvil Vwalk.esp
71 xulSilverfishRiverValley.esp [Version 1.0]
72 NRB4+UL-II Patch.esp [Version 5.0.1]
73 KragenirsDeathQuest-UniqueLandscapes Merged patch.esp [Version 1.1]
++ Real Lava 1.3.esp
74 Dungeon Actors Have Torches 1.6 DT.esp
++ Improved Fires and Flames - Increased Sound.esp
75 NirnrootPermPotions.esp
76 Oblivifall - Ambiant Dungeon SFX.esp [Version 3.0]
77 Enhanced Vegetation [125%].esp
78 TweakAthleticsNoSpeed.esp
79 upperGothicClutter.esp
7A SM Encumbrance and Fatigue.esp [Version 2.6]
7B RefScope.esp [Version 2.1.2]
7C SupremeMagicka.esp [Version 0.90b]
7D SM_ShiveringIsles.esp [Version 0.90]
++ SM_OOO.esp [Version 0.90]
++ SM_MMM.esp [Version 0.90]
++ SM_COBL.esp [Version 0.90]
++ SM_Scrolls.esp [Version 0.90]
7E FearsomeMagicka.esp
80 SM Bounty.esp [Version 1.22c]
81 kuerteeCrimeHasWitnesses.esp
82 Duke Patricks - Combat Archery.esp [Version 5.1.1]
83 Oblivion XP.esp
** Cava Obscura - Cyrodiil.esp
** Cava Obscura - SI.esp
** Cava Obscura - Filter Patch For Mods.esp
++ Item interchange - Placement.esp [Version 0.78]
++ AMB.esp
84 bgBalancingEVCore.esp [Version 10.52EV-D]
++ EVE_KhajiitFix.esp
85 bgMagicEV.esp [Version 1.7EV]
** bgMagicEV Vwalk.esp
++ bgMagicSpellTomes_for_WryeBash.esp [Version 1.68EV]
++ bgMagicItemSigil.esp [Version 1.68EV]
86 bgMagicBonus.esp [Version 1.7EV]
++ bgMagicEVAddEnVar.esp [Version 1.68EV]
87 bgMagicEVPaperChase.esp [Version 1.68EV]
++ VC - LAME VASE twinkle tweak.esp
++ bgBalancingEVOptionalFCOMAdditions.esp [Version 10.]
88 bgBalancingEVLAMEAddition.esp [Version 10.51EV-D]
++ bgBalancingEVLAMEGlue.esp [Version 10.0EV-D1.62EV]
** bgBalancingEVOptionalNPCDiversityLAME.esp [Version 10.5EV-D]
89 bgIntegrationEV.esp [Version 1.0]
** bgIntegrationEV Vwalk.esp
8A Silverfish&bgIntegrationPatch.esp
8B Better Cities Full.esp [Version 4.9.1]
8C Better Imperial City.esp [Version 4.9.1]
8D Better Cities IC Waterfront FPS Patch.esp [Version 4.7.0]
8E Better Clocks for Better Cities.esp
8F Better Cities - All Natural.esp [Version 4.9.5]
** Better Cities Full Vwalk.esp
90 Better Cities - Unique Landscape Barrowfields.esp [Version 4.7.0]
91 Better Cities - Unique Landscape Chorrol Hinterland.esp [Version 4.8.4]
92 Better Cities - Unique Landscape Cheydinhal Falls.esp [Version 4.8.1]
93 Better Cities - Unique Landscape Skingrad Outskirts.esp [Version 4.9.1]
** Better Imperial City Vwalk.esp
94 Better Cities - COBL.esp [Version 2.1]
95 Better Cities - Unique Landscape Imperial Isle.esp [Version 4.8.1]
96 No More Annoying Comments.esp
97 No More Annoying Messages.esp [Version 1.3]
98 Automatic Timescale.esp [Version 1.1.1]
** [GFX]_Initial_Glow-all.esp
** [GFX]_Initial_Glow-creatures.esp
99 DS Flaming Arrows.esp [Version 1.2]
9A Shining Creatures.esp
** NRB4 Standard Road Record.esp
++ HM2SummonCompatible.esp
** All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp [Version 1.3]
9B Bashed Patch, 0.esp
9C Duke Patricks - Melee Combat NO RECOIL.esp [Version 2]

The first I've never started main quest with low level PC (10), so I can't compare some things.
It is about two melee dremora caitiff NPCs defined by MMM - 0003EE70 and ...71. All they wear "Voice of Nature" armor (03007909) from OOO.
I've taken a look at tes4edit, but I've not found anything special in my WryeBash patch . These NPCs shouldn't have this OOO stuff. "Voice of Nature" is given only one NPC - Amazon Quin.
What I've done. Nothing smart,I'm afraid - removed WB patch, created next, waited for four days in game. No effect.

So any idea, direction I will take with thankfulness.
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 4:42 am

Things backs to normal, but I'm not glad. I don't why it happens, why gone. I wouldn't like to get alternative - very old save or start new game.
So if you reader have knowledge and time, please say what you think about above.
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Alan Whiston
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 1:58 am

Things backs to normal, but I'm not glad. I don't why it happens, why gone. I wouldn't like to get alternative - very old save or start new game.
So if you reader have knowledge and time, please say what you think about above.

Odd problem. When you say that it's back to normal, do you mean that they turn up with Dremora armor now? Anyway, 0003EE70 is a vanilla Dremora Caitiff and although MMM edits it, they are set to have the vanilla Dremora1Caitiff armor in MMM as well so something must be overriding it. I see nothing odd with them when checking out my FCOM install in TES4Edit. You could try the same - load up the mod list in TES4Edit and check which mods that affect the 0003EE70 Dremora Caitiff.
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Suzy Santana
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 3:26 am

Odd problem. When you say that it's back to normal, do you mean that they turn up with Dremora armor now? Anyway, 0003EE70 is a vanilla Dremora Caitiff and although MMM edits it, they are set to have the vanilla Dremora1Caitiff armor in MMM as well so something must be overriding it. I see nothing odd with them when checking out my FCOM install in TES4Edit. You could try the same - load up the mod list in TES4Edit and check which mods that affect the 0003EE70 Dremora Caitiff.

1.It has been checked out via Tes4 a few times. Nothing has overwritten, nothing has added to these dremora inventory. this armor is very specific as you know, so it has no chance to appear on some leveled list. But I will check it.
2. I was too fast. This problem still exist in my game.
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 9:29 am

My load order

06 Waalx Animals & Creatures.esm

33 WAC.esp
34 WAC - Dead Knights.esp
35 WAC - Birds&Insects.esp
36 WAC - TCOS.esp
37 WAC - TCOS Shops.esp [Version 03]
++ WAC-OOO.esp
** WACstats.esp

** TIE.esp [Version 1.45]

So any idea, direction I will take with thankfulness.

Perhaps you are trying to use too many overhaul at once, bashed patch can only do so much

OOO/MMMforOOO/WAC/TIE - something is going to have to give in that setup..

You should not be using TIE with MMMforOOO..Even the TIE readme states this..

WAC has well does not work correctly with MMMforOOO even with WAC-OOO patch..

deselect TIE and WAC and rebuilt patch see if that fixes things..

If you using BASH 292, disable cbash by renaming the cbash.dll to rename_cbash.dll (oblivion\mopy directory) and then rebuild your bashed patched in normal mode to see if you get the same results or not..
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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 12:54 pm

1.It has been checked out via Tes4 a few times. Nothing has overwritten, nothing has added to these dremora inventory. this armor is very specific as you know, so it has no chance to appear on some leveled list. But I will check it.
2. I was too fast. This problem still exist in my game.

Really odd. 03007909 is the Voice of Armor cuirass and the Dremora Caitiffs already have set cuirasses as said so completely weird. Are you using Wrye Bash 292 in CBash mode? Seems odd even if so, but if you are you could try rebuilding the Bashed Patch in non-CBash mode.
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Maya Maya
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 9:21 am

Perhaps you are trying to use too many overhaul at once, bashed patch can only do so much

OOO/MMMforOOO/WAC/TIE - something is going to have to give in that setup..

You should not be using TIE with MMMforOOO..Even the TIE readme states this..

WAC has well does not work correctly with MMMforOOO even with WAC-OOO patch..

deselect TIE and WAC and rebuilt patch see if that fixes things..

If you using BASH 292, disable cbash by renaming the cbash.dll to rename_cbash.dll (oblivion\mopy directory) and then rebuild your bashed patched in normal mode to see if you get the same results or not..

1."Perhaps you are trying to use too many overhaul at once, bashed patch can only do so much ".It should be, but I've imported actor stats from TIE only. I don't use WAC overspawn module too.
But I will try your way.
2.It's too early for 292 ver. of Wrye Bash. I use 291.

Thank you for response.
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Nuno Castro
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