Shorthand Suggestion
Utilize Economics to establish a more immersive and realistic game economy.
Detailed Suggestion
“Money is any object or record, that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts in a given country or socio-economic context.” –Wiki
With that in mind I looked at everything you were adding and taking away to attempt a good suggestion in a game where every day it becomes harder and harder to come up with new ones. I got to thinking about how you always reach this point where the economy becomes pointless and bullets are plenty. Then it hit me that the economy of the game isn’t exactly representing what the world looks like in game. For instance in New Vegas where the ‘Gun Runner’s’ are located there should be an abundance of those items around them and the prices should be somewhat lower than they would be in a town like Novac.
I see this suggestion flowing well with the new addition of jobs.
It seems the laws of economics died with the world. If you have any feedback to add to the suggestion, something you find wrong with the suggestion that could make it un-attractive.
-Shrink and localize gun munitions to inhabited or abandoned un-scavenged areas.
-Add more currencies and treat them equally to caps.
-Other types of currencies would include livestock, spirits (that is alcohol), crops, and receipts like the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians.
-Add real economics. A city with a clean water table sells it cheap and a city with a smaller water table would ration and need it shipped in with great profit to the supplier.
-Show water, food, guns, munitions’, and money being transported to cities. Have the flow of money to a city seem obvious of why it is going there.
-Add banks and banking for conversion of currency. Buy land, homes, and shops through the bank. Most of all, a place to store you’re money safely.
-Add appropriate weight to ALL money.
-If a town is poor make it look poor. Have people begging in the street for water and food. Have the buildings run down. Or when a town’s main currency have the classic western ghost towns. Have the exact opposite for better off towns.
-Add teachers to the game. Have them be private mostly with some who run a small one room class room.
-If we are allowed to own land, let us make subtle changes to it. Such as changing the name to the store’s or its color and furniture.
-A jobs pay should be dependent on the skill associated with the job.
More later probably.