It's a tweak of Light The Way by Enmesharra. Here is the readme:
Light The Way Tweaked
1.General Info
2.Installation and Play
6.Thanks and Credits
1.General Info
This is a very simple update to 'Light The Way', as the original author describes it:
"This is a very simple mod that adds a bit of texture. It adds lights to the outside transport NPC's. The Caravaners (Silt Strider) get torches. The Shipmasters and Gondaliers get lanterns (open torches on wooden boats aren't a good idea)."
I have simply tweaked the mod as follows:
1) Caravaners now get the same lanterns as everyone else - It's purely down to preference, but I didn't think waving a burning torch above the exposed nerves of a silt strider would be much more sensible than using one on a wooden boat
2) I have based the mod on version 1.0, but included updated scripts from 1.1. They are as follows:
LightTheWayMW - Adds Lanterns to all Morrowind Caravaners, Gondaliers and Shipmasters
LightTheWayCT2L - Removes Torches from Caravaners and replaces them with Lanterns
LightTheWayCL2T - Removes Lanterns from Caravaners and replaces them with Torches
LightTheWayBM - Adds Lanterns to all Bloodmoon Shipmasters
2.Installation and Play
To install - unzip the files into the Morrowind\data files directory.
There are 2 esps LightTheWay and LightTheWayBMAddon. If you have Bloodmoon use both esps, otherwise just the first.
If starting a new game, then that's it, you're done.
If however you are loading from an existing save and you find that the NPC's are not producing lanterns at night, please open the console (press the ~ key in game) and type the following:
startscript LightTheWayMW
Once the script finishes you will see a message pop up on screen saying "End MW light supply". If you are using Bloodmoon, you should now type:
startscript LightTheWayBM
Once this script finishes you will see a message pop up on screen saying "End BM light supply".
You should now save your game, quit Morrowind and reload.
Install as above, overwriting the existing files. You may need to use mlox to correct your load order if you experience any issues.
If you have previously used the scripts from v1.1 and you wish to convert your Caravaners to use lanterns, please open the console (press the ~ key in game) and type the following:
startscript LightTheWayCT2L
Once this script finishes you will see a message pop up on screen saying "End MW Torch to Lantern Caravaner Conversion". Save your game, quit morrowind and reload. Your Caravaners should now be equipped with torches instead of lanterns.
Conversely, if you would ever like to switch to torches, run this:
startscript LightTheWayCL2T
You'll get a message saying "End MW Lantern to Torch Caravaner Conversion". Again, save your game, quit morrowind and reload. Your Caravaners should now be equipped with lanterns instead of torches.
NOTE: I have found that after a few script executions, that the CL2T script for some reason ceases to function, so please be aware of this. When I discovered this I was executing the one script at 8am, advancing 12hours to check results, then advancing another 12hours and running the opposite script. There is nothing wrong with the actual script itself as far as I can tell - if anyone more experienced has any idea please feel free to contact me on the Bethesda forums!
In any case, I can't see a reason why you should want to continuously flip back and forth between lanterns and torches, so this shouldn't be an issue.
I have tested this mod alongside:
Danae's Hold It
x Starfire x's NPC Additions
The Lighting Mod
The dates on the tweaked .esp files should be identical to the originals so if you are using any of these mods you should not have to alter your load order (it will load after Hold It and NPC Additions, and before TLM).
Once you've added and enabled the LightTheWay esp's I suggest using an application like TESTool, Wrye Bash or TES3CMD to merge your Levelled Items lists (this merged esp should load last).
6.Thanks and Credits
Original (from Enmesharra):
Bethesda Softworks for a great game
_Bonk_ on the ES Forums put forth the Idea.
Tweaked (from SeraphTC):
Bethesda Softworks for a great game
Enmesharra for creating the original mod.
Original (from Enmesharra):
Do what you like with this.
All constructive feedback is welcome.
Tweaked (from SeraphTC):
Do what you like with this, but please maintain the author credits
Light The Way Tweaked
1.General Info
2.Installation and Play
6.Thanks and Credits
1.General Info
This is a very simple update to 'Light The Way', as the original author describes it:
"This is a very simple mod that adds a bit of texture. It adds lights to the outside transport NPC's. The Caravaners (Silt Strider) get torches. The Shipmasters and Gondaliers get lanterns (open torches on wooden boats aren't a good idea)."
I have simply tweaked the mod as follows:
1) Caravaners now get the same lanterns as everyone else - It's purely down to preference, but I didn't think waving a burning torch above the exposed nerves of a silt strider would be much more sensible than using one on a wooden boat

2) I have based the mod on version 1.0, but included updated scripts from 1.1. They are as follows:
LightTheWayMW - Adds Lanterns to all Morrowind Caravaners, Gondaliers and Shipmasters
LightTheWayCT2L - Removes Torches from Caravaners and replaces them with Lanterns
LightTheWayCL2T - Removes Lanterns from Caravaners and replaces them with Torches
LightTheWayBM - Adds Lanterns to all Bloodmoon Shipmasters
2.Installation and Play
To install - unzip the files into the Morrowind\data files directory.
There are 2 esps LightTheWay and LightTheWayBMAddon. If you have Bloodmoon use both esps, otherwise just the first.
If starting a new game, then that's it, you're done.
If however you are loading from an existing save and you find that the NPC's are not producing lanterns at night, please open the console (press the ~ key in game) and type the following:
startscript LightTheWayMW
Once the script finishes you will see a message pop up on screen saying "End MW light supply". If you are using Bloodmoon, you should now type:
startscript LightTheWayBM
Once this script finishes you will see a message pop up on screen saying "End BM light supply".
You should now save your game, quit Morrowind and reload.
Install as above, overwriting the existing files. You may need to use mlox to correct your load order if you experience any issues.
If you have previously used the scripts from v1.1 and you wish to convert your Caravaners to use lanterns, please open the console (press the ~ key in game) and type the following:
startscript LightTheWayCT2L
Once this script finishes you will see a message pop up on screen saying "End MW Torch to Lantern Caravaner Conversion". Save your game, quit morrowind and reload. Your Caravaners should now be equipped with torches instead of lanterns.
Conversely, if you would ever like to switch to torches, run this:
startscript LightTheWayCL2T
You'll get a message saying "End MW Lantern to Torch Caravaner Conversion". Again, save your game, quit morrowind and reload. Your Caravaners should now be equipped with lanterns instead of torches.
NOTE: I have found that after a few script executions, that the CL2T script for some reason ceases to function, so please be aware of this. When I discovered this I was executing the one script at 8am, advancing 12hours to check results, then advancing another 12hours and running the opposite script. There is nothing wrong with the actual script itself as far as I can tell - if anyone more experienced has any idea please feel free to contact me on the Bethesda forums!
In any case, I can't see a reason why you should want to continuously flip back and forth between lanterns and torches, so this shouldn't be an issue.
I have tested this mod alongside:
Danae's Hold It
x Starfire x's NPC Additions
The Lighting Mod
The dates on the tweaked .esp files should be identical to the originals so if you are using any of these mods you should not have to alter your load order (it will load after Hold It and NPC Additions, and before TLM).
Once you've added and enabled the LightTheWay esp's I suggest using an application like TESTool, Wrye Bash or TES3CMD to merge your Levelled Items lists (this merged esp should load last).
6.Thanks and Credits
Original (from Enmesharra):
Bethesda Softworks for a great game
_Bonk_ on the ES Forums put forth the Idea.
Tweaked (from SeraphTC):
Bethesda Softworks for a great game
Enmesharra for creating the original mod.
Original (from Enmesharra):
Do what you like with this.
All constructive feedback is welcome.
Tweaked (from SeraphTC):
Do what you like with this, but please maintain the author credits

I'll get a link posted as soon as it's been approved on PES