Would this be possible? I was playing last night and was surprised at how easy it was to just grab the great welkynd stone, hop down, run into a shadowy corner in sneak mode, and then snipe the lich king and two guardian zombies with arrows while they wandered around up top. Granted I am using "Attack and Hide" and it wouldn't be that easy without that mod, but I would like it to be more difficult even WITH that mod. I am interested in making obtaining the great welkynd stone much more exciting by turning the stone into a hot potato, so to speak. I want the lich king and the guardian zombies to have "great welkynd stone radar", so that they home in on it's location and try to kill anyone who has it (with it being impossible to hide from them), or grab it and add it to their own inventory if it's been dropped somewhere.
Thanks in advance for your thoughts on the matter!