Hoping for politics that change gameworld expressed through

Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:31 am

I'm hoping to see numerous factions, which the player can join, but which exclude joining other factions. Out of say, 7 factions it would be cool if you could only join 3 or so b/c the quests they give would then be about assassinating, consolidating power, gaining intel etc. from the factions they are in tension with in the Wasteland. Ferreting out spies, securing lines of trade and drug use, taking out rival outposts etc.

The quests in Fallout 3 were anemic and about as deep as an outie-belly button, not enough depth to even gain lint.

I'm hoping to have a nitty gritty wasteland feel where the factions go for each others' throats.

Imagine in FO3 if eradicating the Talon Base was a quest, but only after extracting certain 'moles' that were placed there, and finding vital intelligence that would corrupt itself if not gained through subterfuge. Or being tasked with eradicating the BoS by the Outcasts and securing outposts around the wasteland from the BoS as well as creating new ones.

There seemed to be so much potential in FO3 that was wasted - the characters were all in place, the locations, the factions - and then, nothing. No quests, no goals, no tension, no change in the world.

So.... that is probably my number one hope for New Vegas. (and Fallout 4)

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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:04 am

I think this discussion belongs in http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1081898-what-do-you-want-in-new-vegas/
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Stu Clarke
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