[WIP] Cyrodiil NPC Remodeling Project (The Reboot)

Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:12 pm

TL;DR? Screens in the Second Post =]

Hello everyone. It's been a long time since I've really participated in a really visible way in the forums, but I figured now is as good of a time as any to return.
For those who do know my mod(s) and have downloaded them, I first want to say thank you so much for your support for my mods and my work. I've seen all
of it and I've appreciated all of your kind words on my mods. I've gotten a lot of comments from people asking about the mods, asking if I was alive, or if I was working
on it, etc. The answer to me being alive is yes! Yes I am alive and well and "kicking". I somehow got engrossed in working, and a long string of really bad things
happened to me (getting robbed while I was sleeping for example!) but I'm still alive by the grace of God and I still have a strong desire to finish this mod. So secondly
I want to say sorry to those who have anxiously awaited future versions of the mod. I know you all have been waiting patiently so I'm working now towards delivering something
for you guys to play with.

For those who have never heard of me or my mod, you get introduced here!

Cyrodiil NPC Remodeling Project is a mod dedicated towards the NPCs. The goal with my mod is to create appearances on the NPCs in the game that fits THAT person
in an attempt to make them as believable as possible. Each NPC is given clothes to fit their hobbies, job, status, where they live, attitude, etc. It's my goal to create a world
where every NPC you meet will feel alive and different, to the point where you will want to know more about that person, and also to help you distinguish people and gain some
level of emotional attachment to them. I do this using the creations of the many amazing modders who submit their mod for use and give permission for the use of their works.
It's kind of like a tag team effort between me and the many generous modders out there and it isnt possible without their help. So thank you to all of the modders out there
who have helped me on this to date!

You can see the currently finished versions of my mod here:


So What about "the Reboot"?

As of now I've been working mostly on changing the format of how the mod is handled. Originally the mod was setup so you downloaded the
Mod which was just resources and an ESP, and you would just put the mod in your Data folder and play it after merging it with Wrye Bash. However
I've been working towards doing away with that method. Currently I've switched to a Master -> ESP with BSAs with hopefully a constantly changing
"updating BSA" as the new format. The mod is really too big to keep doing it the old way, and this way you guys can have less fragmentation on
your Data Folders. I'm still not 100% used to using the BSA format so there might be errors and glitches when the new version is released, so forgive me in advance.

Also, I recently I gained permission to use Waalx's "WAC" Mod (Waalx Animals and Creatures) in CNRP. WAC adds tons of resources which I feel
fit my ideal vision of the Cyrodiil World. Since I plan to use the resources for them pretty heavily, I hope to add a level of "coherence" to the world that
was somewhat missing from earlier versions of CNRP. Since I'm using resources from many different modders, the mod can feel a bit jumbled up
at times. Hopefully the addition of resources from WAC can help deal with this. WAC itself wont be "required" per se, but you will at least be required to
download the WAC BSA since I use many resources from that. Though I ideally want my mod to integrate well with WAC since I like it very much.
There will also be a static BSA of my own which has my own separate resources, an updated BSA which will have new items added on any updates, along with a CNRP
esp file and CNRP master file which will get updated as time progresses. This should hopefully create a really clean and easily managed set of files for all of you.

I'm also going over a lot of my old designs and improving them in different ways: either improving their look or making them more compatible for all players. Some
clothes for example will have forced texture colors ie: HGEC clothing with a forced "imperial" texture for the clothing parts that show, or a forced Dark Elf, or Orc
texture. I'm also trying to add more trinkets to most of the clothing, things such as potion vials, bags, coin purses, daggers, and more.

Static beards are going to be redone as well! Most of the static beards that I had before will be removed and changed with beards that move with the mouth. WAC
adds these dynamic beards, and they really add a lot to the immersion in the game, so look forward to these. Also, any designs I wasn't particularly fond of I will
be doing over if I can find something more appropriate.

(Wow this is a lot of text....my posts are always so long!)

So When Can We Get It??!?!

So here's the bad news: The bad news is that I have to start over from scratch in a few ways and I have a few snags to deal with right now.

How I previously made the mod was like this:

I'd browse the Nexus for lots of mods. I'd look at different clothing/item adding mods and take mental note of the stuff I had seen. I'd then play the game
and meet NPCs, and I'd get a feel for them. I'd look at their personalities and how they'd live their lives. I'd then think of mods in my mental bank that
I already downloaded, seen or had access to that would fit that particular NPC. If I didnt find anything at that time, I'd just leave it alone and put it aside and keep on.
playing the game. I'd keep doing this until I found an NPC and a design that I think would "fit". Then I'd jump into the CS and put in a believable design and test it out.
Sometimes the results were great and I'd keep it! Sometimes the results looked great in my "mind" and svcked in the game/CS and needed to be rethought. Overall it
was just a lot of testing and a lot of mental storage.

Since I took a huge hiatus from the mod, that mental bank is more or less cleared of the old things. I've forgotten what a lot of the mods I've seen looked
like or even some of the work I've done was, and what those things were for. So I've been spending a lot of time just trying to either work with what I currently have,
or reviving the mental bank. This takes a lot of time, as you can imagine, and there's also tons of new stuff to see all the time, so many of the old designs might become
obsolete in the end. This is the second biggest snag for me that slows progress on the mod. Please forgive me on this end...but it might be for the better as well,
since a lot of the newer things I've been working with are drastically better looking than the old models/textures I was thinking to use.

The biggest snag right now though is that my Oblivion recently has been crapping out hard. I recently been encountering an error where my game will crash as long as I go outside in the
wilderness for even 10 - 15 seconds. Sometimes it crashes on load before that even. I've disabled every mod out there, even my own, and I just cant seem to figure out what's causing the crashes.
I think it's hardware related, so I submitted a thread on some computer forums to ask for help, but until that gets fixed I cant really "test" the mod out. I can test minor things, but it feels like if
I mess with it too much my computer might explode. I can still mess around in the CS though, so I'm still 'working on it' despite the issues, but its just not going to be the best progress
especially since I cant really take screenshots anymore. But I will document my progress here in a sort of visible way, so people can see what directions I'm taking.

Anyway this has been probably way too much text, so I'm going to fill in the next section of the thread with screenshots and the like. Hopefully the Eye Candy remedies the wall of text eye damage :).
I'll keep this space posted as I make progress as well, so keep an eye out. Thanks so much to everyone who has taken interest in CNRP, I hope to get a new revision out as soon as I remedy
these crashing issues. Ciao for now~

P.S. I have a photobucket where I put up pictures of things I've worked on. Does anyone know how I can make this easily viewable for people on the forums so they dont have to click every single picture?
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Fanny Rouyé
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:13 pm

Edit: There are a ton more that arent shown on my CNRP downloads that I will upload here later. For now though I'm really tired and add more screenshots later.


Nels The Naughty: http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b355/ShinGouki2002/nels.jpg http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b355/ShinGouki2002/ScreenShot5.jpg
http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b355/ShinGouki2002/ScreenShot10.jpg?t=1309155412 (Note the chains and ragged appearance, symbolizing the slavery of the beast races near Leyawiin)

Moving Beard Example: http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b355/ShinGouki2002/movingbeard1.jpg http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b355/ShinGouki2002/movingbeard2.jpg

Mazoga The Orc:
http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b355/ShinGouki2002/ScreenShot14-1.jpg http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b355/ShinGouki2002/mazoga-1.png


Armor and Items:




Cloud Ruler Temple Elite Armor: (Credits to neovinci for the original Meshes and Textures in SG Cloud/Nobody armor: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31047)
http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b355/ShinGouki2002/armor1.jpg http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b355/ShinGouki2002/armorfrontdetail.jpg
http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b355/ShinGouki2002/armor2.jpg http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b355/ShinGouki2002/armorbackclose.jpg?t=1307290264

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Post » Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:28 am

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meghan lock
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:56 pm

Welcome back - look forward to more.

Have you seen http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1169177-relz-vorb-vadersapps-oblivion-real-bodies/?

Don't forget about PyFFI - I don't think the dark brotherhood meshes ever got done.

Best of luck with the install - I feel you on that one.
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Hussnein Amin
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Post » Tue Jun 28, 2011 3:55 am

Nice to see you are back. I greatly enjoyed using your mod (before I had to reinstall my OS and lost my game data) and would love to have a new version to put back into my game.

The only complaint I ever had with the original (besides the beards) is that the player couldn't get any of the new gear. It would be pretty awesome if you could add them to leveled lists and shops in addition to the NPCs.
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Emilie M
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:28 pm

Nice to see you are back. I greatly enjoyed using your mod (before I had to reinstall my OS and lost my game data) and would love to have a new version to put back into my game.

The only complaint I ever had with the original (besides the beards) is that the player couldn't get any of the new gear. It would be pretty awesome if you could add them to leveled lists and shops in addition to the NPCs.

I've been thinking about that for quite some time. The main thing about my mod is that I don't want people to look at my mod as a clothing mod for the player, because it isn't meant to be that
at all. Sure you can go around killing people for their clothes, but my mod isn't really out there to address the lack of clothes for the player. Enriching the NPC's appearance is it's number one

I do eventually plan to enrich the player experience by giving you access to the clothes though. I will eventually add vendors in the Mage's and Fighter's Guild who will sell armor/robes/trinkets/offhand books
and shields based on your rank in the guild.

Or alternatively I'd give the player armor and clothing to match rank increases in the Fighter's/Mage's Guild(this is in the pipeline right now). But most of these things are for the next level in my mod. For now I want to enrich
the player experience by enhancing how the NPCs look. In time vendors and other methods of obtaining the clothes will be accessible for the player to use. Also, I dont have a clue how to make a Leveled List (which svcks
because I would like to make some for LL's for these clothes @_@), but I'll figure it out in time.
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Mélida Brunet
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:59 pm

Oh you have most definitely enriched the NPCs appearance. It's surprising how vastly a simple change of clothing can add to an NPCs personality (see Sheogorath for example. He wouldn't be as interesting without his rainment or beard). Nel the Naughty is probably one of the most extreme examples. In vanilla Oblivion the guy is well groomed and wears nice, if a bit plain, middle class clothing. You'd never guess from looking at him that he's a hard drinking, trash-talking hardened barbarian warrior who dreams of opening his own tavern. Now he looks the part!

Yeah, I know that adding the clothes to shops and leveled lists is beyond the scope of the mod, but I just get so jealous of the NPCs awesome duds. :wink:
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keri seymour
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:57 pm

Welcome back - look forward to more.

Have you seen http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1169177-relz-vorb-vadersapps-oblivion-real-bodies/?

Don't forget about PyFFI - I don't think the dark brotherhood meshes ever got done.

Best of luck with the install - I feel you on that one.

Seconding VORB compatibility. After playing with it, its really hard to play without. It currently support all the major overhaul as well.
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Emily abigail Villarreal
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Post » Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:32 am

Looking forward for the next release! I love your mod!
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matt oneil
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Post » Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:31 am

Hey. I've already mentioned how much I appreciate your work before so I won't repeat myself. But I was just wondering, about your game crashing, are you aware of the issue with having too many (~400+) files in your Data folder? It doesn't matter if they're active mods or being used at all, as long as they're mod-related files having too many will cause the game to crash very quickly into playing. I was having mystery crashes and it turned out to be this issue causing it, so I thought I'd mention it. You can get around it by using Bash's auto-ghost feature.
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Skrapp Stephens
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Post » Tue Jun 28, 2011 3:59 am

WOO HOO! one of the best ones is back from the dead! sorry to hear about your streak of bad luck, I wish you the very best :)
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