Reading through these threads, I can assume that people would rather do away with charges on a weapon and instead have it in a similar fashion as Dragon Age Origins (to name a relatively recent game that used it)?
So instead of having a 'Daedra Bane' with 15 charges of +25 dmg vs. Daedra before you need to recharge it, you'd have a 'Daedra Bane' with +5 dmg vs. Daedra?
I could live with that as charges on a weapon (with no natural regeneration like in Morrowind) were something I could never wrap myself around. I'd rather have a static -weaker- bonus that keeps on going instead of inserting a new ammo clip after 15 uses

Also hoping that you can strip an older enchantment from your enchanted weapons (not artifacts though; just ones that you made yourself) and replace them with newer ones. I can see lots of uses for this as you grow into your Enchanting skill and want to give your favorite sword a makeover.