I'm a young artist and one thing I enjoy doing is redesigning costumes for characters, I did this piece shortly after Skyrim was shown so I was 16 at the time of drawing this (I only got around to finishing the colouring around a month ago). It's not an Elder Scrolls fan art per se but it is heavily inspired by the design in Skyrim.
The general idea of what I did was take Link from the Zelda games and give him an extreme nordic twist inspired by Skyrim and then add my own little touch of fantasy to it. You can see the piece http://fav.me/d3hq523.
I left off posting this for a while because I've seen so much great stuff here that I didn't feel my work stood up to the quality and I also wasn't sure whether or not it's allowed - althought I figured that it is basically a crossover it should be okay.
Anyway, I hope you guys like it and I'd love to hear some feedback. Also, not trying to plug my deviantArt but I'm really trying to get my art out there and if you're genuinely interested then I'd love for you guys to check it out; I've got http://fav.me/d3gg8nl, http://fav.me/d2uj6sf, and a bunch of other things. You can check it out here: http://sammiidoogles.deviantart.com/
Hope you enjoy! looking forward to hearing some feedback