The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Mod - Halcyon House, one of your products,
has been added to Softpedia's database of games and gaming tools. It is
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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Mod - Halcyon House, one of your products,
has been added to Softpedia's database of games and gaming tools. It is
featured with a description text, screenshots, download links and technical
details on this page:
The description text was created by our editors, using sources such as text
from your product's homepage, the PAD file (if available) and the editor's
own opinions.
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The Softpedia Team
Anyone else turning up their mods on this site? I certainly was never asked if I wanted my mods hosted here and I've noticed many other mods there, even some of Giskard's and I know he would never have agreed either.
Edit: To add, I have emailed them and as yet have not received any response.
Edit Edit: After a couple rounds of emails where they tried to convince me that the use of resources in my mods meant they were allowed to upload all my mods wherever they wanted....they've agreed to take them down and have. Score one for the good guys!
:celebration: Now if only they'll do the same for all the other mod authors who's work they've wrongly uploaded.