I don't understand why you're trying to form an argument on the internet about ideology with the use of a high school education or less. Much more so, without knowing what you're arguing about. To put something like torture into a video game would imply that people are receiving a positive sensation while preforming it on simulated human beings. You're trying to argue that people should be tortured in order to save lives; sure why not, want a cookie? It happens ever day.
But what you should understand is that the taking joy in watching something being tortured isn't alright.. At all. I understand that if you aren't out of high school yet you probably don't even have a fully functional brain, so you may want to think about the message you're portraying about yourself before soliciting it to strangers on the internet.
As far as I can see this debate is not about simply putting kitten (or khajiit) and telling "torture him and have fun, you sick pervert", it is mainly about interrogation/torture as possible quest component since there is civil war setting
For those who enjoy sight of suffering there is enough "Saw" movies (6 or 7- I believe this number proves that there is enough people who like something like that) and similar crap.
Here we are discussing adding interrogation/torture in order to create believable war scenario (just adding one more component)
Everyone can refuse to torture prisoner, but there is price to pay for clean hands
Prisoner- most probably command will send another interrigator, that can lead to few possible outcomes
Best- prisoner will suffer minor pain/fear and reveal all info
Ruthless- information will be squizeed, but instead of prisoner there will be leftover begging for death
Useless- interrigator is inexperienced and cannot influence prisoner enough and no information is gained (prisoner will be executed or exchanged for one of our prisoners)
Brutal- no information is gained and prisoner is killed in the process
In last two cases that means that there will be recon team (6-8 soldiers) send into enemy territory to investigate situation, and if team will return then at least one of the soldiers will most probably die (they aren't dragonborns you know)
So in this case If I must choose between 25% of totally postive outcome (+50% of getting information and 50% of prisoner surviving) or 90% (in case I get involved) I will choose those 90% (reserving 9 % to failure of getting info and 1% to killing or irreversibly demaging prisoner in process)