
Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:42 am

After reading a previous thread whilst playing oblivion an idea just hit me, what would you guys think about dynamic states? Such as, if you were to hit an enemy with a blunt (and i mean like club, or stick, not axe) you have a % chance of killing the guy or simply knocking him out, depending on the power of the weapon, like if you are in a drunken fist fight, then as you beat the guy up, you will most likely just knock him out than killing him, so you dont get slaughterd on by gaurds, however depending you could also kill him, forcing you to live with that guilt, as if it happened in a real drunken night out, (lets hope not though, ey?) or you paralyze someone, by mainly aiming at their legs, so they are still alive but are unable to stand up ever again.

Or possibly, an old citizen is taking a walk out of whiterun on a fishing trip or something, when a stampede of mammoths comes towards him and he has a heart attack, which can render the guy unconscious (stuff like this can add to dynamic quest, you suddenly get a gaurd running up to you tellingyou that someone has spotted the old man outside the town, but is gaurded by stampeding mammoths, and you are needed to dogde the mammoths, carry the guys body (obvoiusly at this point you are unable to use any weapons or spells, maybe only shouts) and carry him back to a town doctor untill he wakes up again.

Things like this, could come in handy in ways i havnt though of yet, what do you guys think?
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Dawn Farrell
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