Any thoughts as to how this ruling might effect the gaming industry, and things like nudity and violent content in Skyrim and future ES games?
The way I see it, the law would have reduced the levels of these things. Since it was canceled, things can continue on as they have. (i.e, previous game design wasn't based around the law's limits, so why should the law not going into effect make much of a difference?)
The danger of pissing off parent's groups, Family Councils, media watchdogs, and other similar folks is still there - they were never "the law" to begin with. So it's not like it's suddenly open season to spew AO-rated gorefests all over the place.
Backing off a further step - ideally, this ruling should have no effect on game design - if developers were making the games they wanted to, with content matching the "vision" they had for their game, then there'd be no change. Because "hey, we can add more violence now! Let's do it!" isn't good design or "art" - it's pandering to the lowest common denominator & people's base instincts.
This is why I don't expect any change in what Bethesda would make - they're designing to what they want, not to "push the limits". (That's Rockstar's niche)
tl;dr - "More violence just because you can" is stupid. I don't expect
non-stupid game companies to do this. And stupid companies.... who cares about what they make, it's stupid.