there is nothing more that makes me mad is that you guys ( crytek and ea ) have the time to put out 2 dlc but cant fix the server issues, lag issues and disconnect issues that been going on since launch. you guys are pathetic, multibillion dollar giant ea can never get anything right NEVER, but are the first one to try and milk us for more money putting out dlc for while still not fixing the issues. so how about stop making dam dlc content and FIX THE ISSUES so we can have a better experience. tired of the disconnects, freeze, lag and weapons jams. also what is it with the fact that when i melee someone twice they dont die yet they hit me once and im dead and this is without them have the armor on...i could go on forever about this game but at the end of the day it does not matter...aint nothing going to get fixed within the next 3 to 6 months or even better a year...
Sadly this will probably never be addressed no less fixed, save the introduction of dedicated servers, but we all know that is never going to happen.