So I was playing the game and I had to go to the minefield and I saved right before I started searching for mines. Well I blew up pretty bad and had nothing to bring my hit points up, so what I did was just load up my last save. I feel like it's bad but what if you make a serious mistake and want to fix it. Like shooting someone by accident or something.
Is this something you guys do from time to time? Or do you not do it and just suffer the consequences, if your really trying to play the role, which I am. Actually I don't mind doing it on the little stuff but something major I could not bring myself to do it unless it was a total accident.
I don't think it's something I'll ever do again because I got this nasty feeling like I cheated even though it was so small. I hate any kinda of cheats. I'm just wondering if you elders think this is in fact cheating.
Also since I'm new any game strategies that you throw my way. Like any missions I should complete before i do a certain mission. Or maybe what order I should play the dlc I just picked up OA and the other one I forgot. How do the dlc's work, are they just added to my story.
Basically I'm looking for any advice, things you missed in the first playthrough that you wish someone would have told you. Anyway thats all. I'd like to say I love this game, I love games that make it personal and this game is exactly that. I knew this game was absolutely amazing when I was out roaming the wastelands not doing a thing just looting and discovering new things, I started playing at 2pm and ended at 2am. I couldn't believe I was playing for twelve hours(on and off) , I actually didn't want to stop but had to for sleep.