Happy with the lore?

Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:40 am

There are obviously three groups of people who will by Skyrim - those who loved Morrowind, those who loved Oblivion and those who are new to the series. Now, the game is winning over a new audience through streamlining (a refuse to say dumbing down because I disagree) and it has won over Oblivion fans by its graphics and combat (so far). However, due to the streamlining, I think that Morrowind fans are being left out, from what we know. The good news is that the lore seems to be in good shape. I think a good lore and believability of the world is very important because not only does it satisfy that group, but it can ONLY be a good thing. Now, I think that they did not have that much of it in Oblivion due to limited time and other priorities, but they have more time with it in Skyrim. Why do I think that? Well, they have told us that there is a civil war, there are nine major holds, there is a new language, the guilds no longer have generic names, but ones that fit with the province, the fact that items can be examined to see what culture made them, zombies have unique names... the list goes on. And that is only what we know so far. They have also confirmed that each hold has a unique architectural style (I think), which is probably the biggest thing that people care about. So what are your current thoughts on the lore? Me, I am very happy so far, and I think that Bethesda has been listening to its fans, and it knows that good lore can only be a good thing, which cannot be said for almost all other aspects of the game, since many changes are controversial.
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Dean Ashcroft
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:22 am

After brushing up on all the TES lore I think Skyrim should be very interesting and extremely revealing.
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Alexander Lee
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:05 am

The TES universe is one of my favourites. So yeah I'll be pleased with the lore. Always have been.
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Veronica Martinez
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:27 am

I love the lore, even though it can be it's own worst enemy at times.
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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:06 pm

Lore looks good to me. The fact that there's more attention to detail is nice, especially because I personally have an eye for spotting hard-to-miss details in a video game. Things like the holds being unique where one of them, according to lore, actually holds ritual burnings of a make-shift High King. I'm not sure about the Zombie's having unique names...maybe I missed the boat on that or something.
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renee Duhamel
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:50 am

Not really. I wish Bethesda would release some sort of Bible or something. Looking into it, their are only two gods that are in each religion in Tamreil.

Problem? Oh yeah, 4 gods were physically in Oblivion alone. Like, actually there, and whatnot. Not to mention Tiber Septim was a very real person. And Alduin and Akotosh are supposed to be the 'same' yet they're very different. Very inconsistent
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Krystal Wilson
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Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:11 pm

Lore looks good to me. The fact that there's more attention to detail is nice, especially because I personally have an eye for spotting hard-to-miss details in a video game. Things like the holds being unique where one of them, according to lore, actually holds ritual burnings of a make-shift High King. I'm not sure about the Zombie's having unique names...maybe I missed the boat on that or something.

They are called draughir (or something). A small thing, I know, but that kind of attention to detail is a great sign.
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Dawn Porter
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:36 am

There are obviously three groups of people who will by Skyrim - those who loved Morrowind, those who loved Oblivion and those who are new to the series.

There is a fourth group to which i belong. I loved Morrowind and Oblivion. Where does that leave me? Without a valid point of view? Generalizations are never a good thing for anyone.
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:48 am

Zombies have unique names? If you're referring to the draugrs, they are not the same as zombies.

"Once, they were warriors much like the Skaal. Trapped and hungry on this island, they feasted on the flesh of their fallen comrades, which is a crime against nature. The All-Maker cursed them with undeath, forever doomed to walk the land in search of more of the flesh of man to consume." — Korst Wind-Eye

Draugrs are mythical creatures from Norse mythology.
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Steve Fallon
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