Problems creating a new "light" object.

Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:09 pm

I'm trying to create a new entry in the "Light" category in the CS. What I want to do is create a light that uses the welkyndstone03.nif. So far, what I've tried is this:

1. Right click and select "New" in the "Light" category (also tried the following steps with existing lights)

2. Click on "Add NIF File" and selected welkyndstone03.nif and clicked "OK".

3. Tried to save the .esp or place the new "light" in a cell.

Step 3 results in an instant crash.

I know for a fact a mesh can be used as a light source because several vanilla "lights" are meshes (example: WallSconceTriple01Yellow512 uses the WallSconceTriple01.NIF). also adds a new "light" that uses a modified WelkyndItem.NIF as a light source. I've tried using that mesh (both by following the above steps and just copying it from the Malamath.esp) and the CS still crashes as soon as I add the light to a cell or try to save the .esp.

What do I need to do to get this to work?
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Jordan Fletcher
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:59 pm

First, can you make a default basic light with no mesh? Some people can't make new lights at all.
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Bigze Stacks
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:03 pm

If you can furnish me with a repro plugin, I can offer to look into the save issue. The CTD that occurs when placing a new light reference has already been fixed for the next update to CSE.
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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:43 pm that uses the Welkynd stone and can be used as a light source (I copy\pasted the Welkynd stone tristrip into the CandleFat.nif and removed the flamenode and candle model ( as well as the NiControllerManager that controlled the flame since it was removed) - I did a quick check in game and it was working - If you have any problems with it PM me and I'll see what I can do.

Not sure why the original Nif will not work but it seems (probably something in the NistringExtraData or something -- as it has no havok collision in the Nif but in game does move so they nust be doing something different with it somewhere.
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