» Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:30 am
Well, it doesn't look like our forum regulars (the actual experts) are going to bail me out here, so I'll try to give you guys as accurate a rundown of UV as I can. First off, keep in mind that it hasn't been updated in a LONG time, and probably won't be - ever. HeX is currently working on UVII, and the original UV hasn't been updated since the week the beta was released. And it has several issues, mostly minor, but potentially problematic in a heavily modded game. So...many (probably most) rabid UV fans, myself included, are now playing Oblivion without UV, impatiently awaiting the beta release of UVII. All of this together makes the original mod effectively abandonware, which is sad, because it's an absolutely amazing piece of work. That said, here is some (hopefully useful) info to keep you from tearing your hair out before UVII's release:
NifScript and NifSE are related, but different. If you're using NifSE with UV, you'll have problems. My understanding is that NifSE is not backwards-compatible with UV. I know DragoonWraith still hangs out on this board, so he will (hopefully) correct me if I have this wrong.
FFP is a mess. Oblivion doesn't want to do what FFP wants it to do, so the game *will* give you grief. The game engine just doesn't handle FFP well enough to make it viable, imho. Unless you're a real masochist, turn off FFP in the .ini.
Ditto with soulgem functionality. I never, ever managed to use any of the UV soulgem functions and avoid "breaking" Azura's Star. Every single time I enabled said tweaks, Azura's Star became, for all intents and purposes, a regular soul gem with a cool name. The first time I used it, and it disappeared, I swore. Several times. A shame, really, as the tweaks are pretty awesome. But if you ever want to have a rechargeable soulgem, never, never enable UV's soulgem tweaks.
Dual wielding and weapon forging: Both functions worked beautifully for me, once I realized that you must give the scripts some time to run. Try counting to 5 after grip-shifting, switching a weapon to offhand mode or replicating a weapon. If you throw in other keystrokes before UV does its' thing, it may flip out a little bit. You'll end up with placeholder weapons and/or other wierdness. Also, use only mod-added weapons for offhanders. NifScript had an issue with meshes packed in BSAs, but no issue at all with unpacked meshes sitting in the data folder. Wait, maybe it was a texture thing...I forget. Either way, unless you've unpacked your BSAs, you're much safer using modded weapons as your secondaries. Also, avoid using scripted/quest weapons (OOO's Light of Dawn, the Dark Brotherhood Blade of Woe, etc) as offhanders. Bad Things can happen to any existing scripts.
No good advice on throwing things, as I only tried it out a few times. Not really my playstyle, but I will admit that it was pretty cool to belt bad guys with random clutter.
Oh, and the shield-on-back thing: IIRC, offhand weapons sheathe correctly on the back, but I don't know if shields do the same. I do know that it was a planned feature, but I never tested it myself. ...Whoa - It's late - Time for this kid to crash - Hope this helps someone - Good luck!