Now, I think being hit by a trap should affect you more seriously than a little health taken off. It may be too late in development for anything new thats too major to be impemented, but maybe have traps be deadlier such as impalement by floor spikes, or get knocked out if a giant log hits you at full force, only to be taken by nearby bandits who heard the noise.
I'm asking for real consequences from activating traps. In Fallout 3 and New Vegas, if you stepped on a beartrap, odds are it would break your leg, and In Dragon Age Origins, if you were knocked unconsious in battle, you recieved a random injury. Maybe mix these new ideas, like if you are hit by a swinging mace trap, you get a chance to be injured, killed, or knocked out depending on what area of your body was hit, what kind of a trap it was, how heavy the armor you're wearing is, and perhaps the perks that could be associated with trap abilities.
My last idea is that a certain skill that has to do with scouting, maybe sneak, would give you better awareness of traps by giving them a certain sheen or just making them more noticeable, or maybe give perks that can increase awareness by giving you more time/slowed down time to react, or by decreasing the chance of an injury or certain death.
Just wondering what people think, leave ideas or suggestions below