When I first tried 1.9 with dx11 and hi-res on... the quality looks fine.. the leaves on the trees were smooth etc, despite low frame rates..
Now, my frame rate went up to 60-80 but im seeing all the jagged edges on everything... even on cloaked enemies... this makes it even harder for me to spot them!
Here's what I changed (only menu options, no cVars altered):
Everything set to 'Ultra' except Post Processing, Shadows, Particles and Water which are set on 'High'.
Dx 11 and hi-res textures are set to on. (i might have changed these to off while in game to see the differences, but none were noticed in game, the next time i run the game both were already set to on.)
my resolution is 1600 x 900.
so what did i do that actually turned off the AA?
take note that my Nvidia control panel settings, the AA is set to 'override' at 32x.
vsync is also off
both settings have always been this way.