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Post » Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:46 pm

Ok this is the first time I am modding a game at all. Yesterday I down loaded some mods that I saw recommended on here, the were MMM, FWE, RH_Iron sights, 19th-20th century guns, EVE, fellout, one thatallowed for weapon mods, and one that had dynamic weather. I cannot be sure of these names because my PC crashed shortly after turning it back on today and I had to do a restore, but my question is that while I was playing with these mods the textures were flashing and not remaining on nearly everything and the iron sight thing didn't work at all. So what I can figure is that they did not work together (dur) so can anyone recommend any mods like these that will work together? without crashing or texture problems? also I am open to any mods that add new PA or modern looking armor?
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Kara Payne
Posts: 3415
Joined: Thu Oct 26, 2006 12:47 am

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