When the big day arrives...

Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:52 pm

It's the 11-11 so that's a day off. More then happy bout that. :tongue:

If there is a midnight release, I will probably go and get it then. If not I'll be there in the morning.
And then I will shutdown every single way of communication with the outside world.
Cause every single time, someone needs something and they always need help straight away. So impatient...

What follows is a 3 day complete disregard for anything that happens on this earth. (except when someone dies => they better not)
And then I will be sick from malnutrition and will be forced to stay at home to regain some strength. I guess a week is ok :laugh:

Happy, happy days :banana:
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 4:48 am

10AM: wake up, go read a book while waiting for the postman.

11AM-1PM: (yes, our post does arrive that late sometimes) grab parcel from postman, head to my room, one copy into the PS3 (40" TV) and the other into the PC. hopefully with a couple of bottles of bailey's, and some junk food.
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Conor Byrne
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:26 am

Wait, I'm confused. How does it come out on a Friday (11/11/11), if in the States we always have new games release on Tuesdays? Excuse me if I'm wrong, or if this is just a plain stupid question. xD
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Andrea Pratt
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:21 pm

My 11/11/11 Skyrim experience is dependant on whether Royal Mail are having a good day or not... :banghead: :swear: .
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 5:38 am

Wait, I'm confused. How does it come out on a Friday (11/11/11), if in the States we always have new games release on Tuesdays? Excuse me if I'm wrong, or if this is just a plain stupid question. xD

If it's regional yes, then you would get a release on tuesday(normally). But this being a worldwide release, they choose a friday (11-11-11)
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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:58 pm

If it's regional yes, then you would get a release on tuesday(normally). But this being a worldwide release, they choose a friday (11-11-11)

Thanks for that. I've never seen a game get released on any other day other then Tuesday, or rather, can't remember any. :tops:
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:23 am

9:00 am: wake up

9:01 am: whine a little, turn over and return to sleep

9:06 am: wake up full of life and energy and roll out of bed to greet the happy new day (unbothered by the rain which is 99% sure to occur)

~9:07 am to ~11:00 am: perform the rest of my morning routine

11:30 am: try to make some tea and discover the always surprising lack of sugar

11:31 am: whine a little

12:00: go shopping

1:30 pm: get back home and continue making the tea

1:31 pm: as water boils, pass the time playing some game or browsing the internet

4:50 pm: remind myself of the unfinished tea and hurry to the kitchen

5:00 pm: drink

~5:01 pm to ~9:00 pm: go out, meet people, have some life and look down on all the blokes besieging the local game shops

9:30 pm: get back home and call my brother to ask about his impressions/complaints on Skyrim

~10:30 pm to ~2:00 am: return to browsing the internet and playing games

~2:00 am: go to bed.

A week or two later...

Between 12:00 and 1:30 pm: during my usual shopping trip, pick up Skyrim at one of the local game shops

~1:30 pm to ~2:30 pm: install the game, install the essential patches, install a few mods

2:31 pm: launch Skyrim and forget about the world...
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Lory Da Costa
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:21 am

A week or two later...

I salute you for your patience. Does all the above that line go on repeat until you get tha game?
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Kitana Lucas
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:18 pm

I salute you for your patience. Does all the above that line go on repeat until you get tha game?

I don't see the point in waiting that long, while I commend the act, it seems fruitless. Skyrim will be a popular game, but nowhere in the same ballpark as Halo or CoD. Those are the crowds I wish to avoid and even in the overpopulated [censored]hole I live in now I'll still be going at midnight (If I don't have class Friday) or a first light the next day. (Apparently no one likes these types of games here, or the more likely answer, doesn't want to lose sleep over it.) :tops:
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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:04 pm

Get out of work at 3:30pm, hit Gamestop on the way home. Play Skyrim all weekend. Sleep only when I can't stay awake anymore.
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Susan Elizabeth
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 4:39 pm

I'm actually not buying Skyrim right away--as much as it tortures me. I'm in college, and in November I will be fretting over finals and other awful things, so I'm going to wait until my Christmas break to purchase it.
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steve brewin
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:25 pm

I'll do the same thing i said on another forum.
I will put the game in poo my self then die of a stroke because of all the awesome my eyes have witnessed. The poo is their so when my neighbor calls 911 the EMTs who respond have my parting gift.
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Gracie Dugdale
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:34 pm

I don't see the point in waiting that long, while I commend the act, it seems fruitless. Skyrim will be a popular game, but nowhere in the same ballpark as Halo or CoD. Those are the crowds I wish to avoid and even in the overpopulated [censored]hole I live in now I'll still be going at midnight (If I don't have class Friday) or a first light the next day. (Apparently no one likes these types of games here, or the more likely answer, doesn't want to lose sleep over it.) :tops:

They only hold on to your copy for 48 hours here, after that they sell it to other people who didn't pre-order it. The odds are that Skyrim will be sold out here.
That'll be because 1. they order in smaller numbers, 2. lots of people here want it.
But hey, I live 15 min from the store, I can pre-order free and if I have enough points I get 20 euro discounts :celebration:

No worries, My game will be waiting with my name on it (and that's not a joke, it does have my name on it) :liplick:
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Cathrine Jack
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 4:11 pm

I salute you for your patience. Does all the above that line go on repeat until you get tha game?

Um, maybe not exactly, since my life does occasionally happen to be less bland, but yes. I never really started played any game right on the release night (or even week), regardless of whether I was aware of its release or not. Even when I preorder them, I only start playing when I'm in mood for it, and by the time Skyrim is released, my excitement will likely have waned a little - it's the same with other games, films, books and other things I've been waiting for for a long time. When they're finally released, getting them... just doesn't feel as immediate to me anymore. Perhaprs I'm just weird, perhaps exceptionally self-controlled (hahahahahahaha... good one) or maybe not yet as addicted to gaming as I fear I'll eventually become.

And, of course, I do need some time to say goodbyes to all the people I know, right? That, and to prepare all my lies, excuses, alibis and fake tickets to Tokyo...
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:43 am

Lets see, two scenarios here.

Scenario 1.
11.10.11 11:30- wake up in a rage at my alarm for failing to wake me
12:00- praise my state of residence for being so empty at night
12:10- glare at people in front of me who have working alarm clocks or lots of caffeine
12:40- drive home looking longingly at game wishing I could have convinced my brother to come so he could drive
1:05- stare at tv as game loads...consider staring at manual
1:06- stare at manual
1:15- play

scenario 2.
11.11.11 8:20- awaken predressed
9:00- arrive at mall and wait for security guy to unlock doors
9:05- run in and pay for my copy
9:40- stumble through door of room from not bring able to sleep the night before
Wake up several hours later and play.
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Heather Kush
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:41 am

10:00pm - download and pre-install Skyrim digital premium edition via Steam

7:00pm - load Oblivion, play recent game
11:59pm- finally finish Oblivion's main quest after years of playing the game

12:00am - wait for Skyrim to unlock while staring at the clock
12:01am - start playing Skyrim
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Louise Andrew
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:35 am


9:30 PM - Start freaking out Skyrim will be in my hands in a few short hours.

10:00 PM - Listen to the OST of all Elder Scroll's games until 11:00 PM.

11:00 PM - Go to Gamestop and get in line.

11:30 PM - Talk to friends about Skyrim at the store.


Between 12:00 and 12:15 - Buy Skyrim and run to the car as quickly as possible.

Between 12:10 and 12:25 - Arrive home and play Skyrim.


12:00 AM - Crash from lack of sleep.
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:28 am


Midnight - Pickup game from Gamestop (assuming midnight release)
play 'til 11/14/11 (boo work)
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Ashley Campos
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:53 pm

I intend to go to college that day, come back, get some chinese food and a big bag of doritos (and some Irn Bru obviously :P) and play Skyrim all weekend.
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Captian Caveman
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 6:42 pm

Well, since it's a holiday in the States, I'll probably sleep until the kids wake me up, cook them breakfast, do whatever daily chares need to get done, pop on here once or twice to see the rants and raves, make lunch, etc. and so forth. More or less a normal day, and one that I won't be playing the game on....unless I find it mispriced for my benefit like I did with Oblivion ;)

My plan for the game is to wait and see what the reviews are like and gather more information prior to buying. If I do purchase, probably after the patch.
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