How do you imagine the start? (Tutorial)

Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:37 pm

This is what I reckon

The game starts with a cut scene. You are dragged from your dank cell through the prison to the place of execution. You're taken to the market square in the starting town (Riverwood?) where a baying mob await your execution for illegally crossing over the border from Vvardenfell (this will figure into later quests, with the stuff about Dunmer settlements etc). The executioner prepares to put the hood over your head and this is the point where you choose your race.

The hood goes over your head and you hear (but do not see) a fight break out. The screen shakes and the next thing you see as your head clears is the face of Esbern who has rescued you. You have a conversation with him and he gives you some backstory about Dragonborn etc. He gives you some basic equipment and a small amount of gold and sends you on your way to the first quest giver, telling you to prepare for the challenges ahead by doing a few small quests, get some experience etc. You then have a few easy quests in that first town - collect this, kill some wolves for pelts, clear out a bandit cave etc.

You can probably tell that I prefer the 'gradual reveal' that we had in Morrowind, where Caius doesn't immediately send you off on the Nerevarine quests, but tells you to get some experience first
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:59 pm

I thought I remember hearing/reading that we don't start in skyrim, but after we escape the execution we are taken to skyrim. Or is it that we are taken to skyrim to be executed? Not sure.

But I think I would prefer:

[brief animation section/cut scene starts here] You are in a prison cell laying on a bed of straw. You get up and move over to a bowl of water where you splash water on your face. You bend over to look into the bowl and as the rippling water begins to smooth you go into the character gen screen where you pick your race, six, and appearance. [animation ends here. you now control your character] Several guards and an official walk up to the cell door. A guard says, "stand away from the door, scum." You move away and the guards enter. One of them thumps you on the head, "todays not your lucky day." They take hold of you and drag you bleary eyed, from the blow to the head, out of the cell. With a few fades to darkness, going in and out of consciousness, you catch glimpses of the path to the executioners block. You hear the officials voice, the guards lift you up to look at the official, "For our records what is your name" [name window appears] "Very good. Everything seems to be in order. Continue on guards", the official responds.You are taken outside, the light temporarily blinding you from the days in the dark cell. You can hear the crowds gathered to watch your death. Forced to your knees your head is pushed down on the chopping block. You turn your head slightly to the side looking over the crowd seeing the anticipation on their faces. The executioners axe comes into view. The official gives the pronouncement of your guilt. "Today justice will be given. For his/her (already determined in character gen) crimes, this [race] will be put to death according to our laws. You see someone pushing his way thru the crowd. He wears an armor that you are not familiar with. The axe is lifted from your view. The stranger calls out, "in the name of the Blades, stay that axe." He makes his way onto the executioners platform. You hear him speak with the official, but don't quite make out what they are saying. Maybe you catch a few words like "dragonborn" or "important to the kingdom" and finally the official say, "Very well. Guards, release the prisoner into Esbern's custody" You hear the audible groan of the crowd as their entertainment is taken away. Here you then leave with Esbern where some info is told to you about the Greybeards and some basic equipment given you, but are then released to go your own way.
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:16 am

I'm picturing something like this.

Your character is drifting in and out of sleep, you hear voices chanting something you don't understand at first but soon the words make sense and you hear the beginning prophecy of the rise of a dragonborn to stop alduin. (no mention of dragons mind you). The light beaks your vision as you turn towards the window. Screams are heard outside, fire licks the sill of your window. Two guards run inside and open your cell. "today is your lucky day, we need your help" they say. You run down a shaking corridor, the first guard fiddles with keys to open a door. The second guard turns to you and asks "what's your name?" The name and character creation pops up. "ok INSERT NAME HERE, it's good to know we have a/n INSERT RACE HERE on our side. Take this(he hands you a sword) you're going to need it." The door bursts open and you and the guards are engulfed in flames, the screen goes white. You hear a voice saying "stand up, we have to run, it may come back, theres no time". Esbern leads you out of a burning town (loot and debris is laying scattered). You fight off a few goblins trying to loot the town and finally reach a small cabin outside of town. Esbern explains you survived the dragon breath because you are dovahkiin. And thus the main quest opens up.
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evelina c
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:52 am

you wont know your dragonborn at the start, after a few story missions, you end up fighting a dragon and the grey beards call out dovakiin, which means you will have to go to them and learn about how your dragon born
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louise fortin
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 9:23 am

playing as esbern to save yourself from execution :P

That would actually be really awesome.
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 11:26 pm

Well, it starts off with you about to be executed... and then the execution is carried out. You die. The end.
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Dark Mogul
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:12 am

I was thinking more like a dragon attacking during the execution, and then, while everybody except for you runs off, you run down into the catacombs (you're still scared of the dragon). After a long run in the dark passages you emerge among the mountains with an epic vista in front of you. Below, now far far away you can see the dragon hovering above the arena in the village where you were supposed to be executed, causing havoc, displaying the new rendering distance.
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A Dardzz
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 8:59 am

I'm imagining some kind of Jack Sparrowesque escape from the noose, with token horseback chase :thumbsup:
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Brooke Turner
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 5:04 am

Well, it starts off with you about to be executed... and then the execution is carried out. You die. The end.

Wow! Think of the replay value! :biggrin:
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dean Cutler
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:38 am

the is no screen where you pick what skills you specilise in.

my idea.

here is a wooden dagger
pick up wooden dagger
kill frost dragon with wooden dragon
restart game
here is a wooden dagger
pick up wooden dagger
kill frost dragon with wooden dragon
restart game

and so on

Kill the frost dragon with a wooden dragon, I don't see your logic.
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Sara Lee
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:14 pm

Start-->Cutscene--->Character Creation---->Jail---->Execution sequence---->Play
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