» Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:04 pm
If you want:
a buggy, glitchy pain in the @ss multiplayer game that frequently fails to launch,
to be dragged into a wormhole of temporal flux with it's constant lag,
to be kicked from the game on a whim,
to see your squad mates moved to the OpFor at random,
to fail to be rewarded properly for your achievements,
to potentially watch your stats being reset when you least expect it,
to rarely (if ever) get to play a number of the game modes,
to rarely (if ever) get to play any DLC maps,
to rarely (if ever) play a game with or against a full team of players,
to join an ever decreasing community of about 2000 regular players most of whom seem under the age of 16
to just get used to the 'quirks" of the game only for the dev team to release a patch to make them even worse,
to name but a few of Crysis2's unique "charms," then yeah…get out your credit card and join in the fun!