» Sun Jul 03, 2011 5:30 am
Hey man I just started this game not to long ago and I have to say your gonna love it. If your expecting a guns blazing shooter then you'll be disappointed. If you love roaming, looting and some combat be ready to be blown away.
Since I'm about half way through and it's still fresh on my mind I'll tell you what I've learned. Number one is dlc. I was told to actually play some of the dlc early on. I would play Operation Anchorage first after you gets feel for the game, you get some really nice armor. Be warned though it's very linear and not that great but well worth the items you receive at the end. Also once you start getting onto it you cannot return to the main story until you've finish the dlc. There is some opinions on what order to play the dlc. You may want to play some of it while our playing the game. Oh and make sure you look on here or google about intel. I had to restart the dlc because I didn't know about the intel. Just look it up and you will see what I mean. It's well worth grabbing it all. Just don't miss any at all. YouTube may help you.
Another thing is looting. Make sure you really look on shelves and press r3 to move crates to see what is in them. There are a few things easily overlooked that are sometime hard to see.
Save your game as much as possible. That is probably the most important thing. You may do something by accident that you did not want to happen and it's nice to have then option to go back.
Make sure you repair your guns and armor. You don't want to break your favorite gun. Also I'd put some decent points into repair because it's very nice to fix the things you have from other things you find on your journey.
One last thing is if you ever get low and ammo and health and you don't have a alot of money you can find valuable things anywhere. Just search and you'll find something worth a nice dollar. Places you wouldn't think would have nice loot do.
One small thing I overlooked was waiting on ps3 you press select and you have the option to wait up to 24hrs. This helps a lot when something is closed. Not sure what button it is for a different system.
One last thing and it's just my opinion. I would not do anything bad to megaton. I got some nice missions out of it and it's a nice area to fond everything you need. But it's your game and you can do what you want.
Enjoy this great game and remember that having fun is the main objective. Be ready to make decision that may me morally wrong. You may not think so but this game is so I depth you actually feel bad and know when you do something wrong. I'll stop with that do you can find out on your own. Those were just a few things I would of liked to know when I started the game.
Ps . Do not forget you have a light to use in the dark. I forgot many times I had this.