» Sun Jul 03, 2011 6:51 pm
I've just recently began watching 'Let's Play' Oblivion at YouTube. Some don't much appeal to me, especially those whose creators take a more-or-less irreverent approach to game-play and/or commentary. I've so far unearthed only a few that keep my interest enough to follow for more than a few episodes. That short-list is topped by http://www.youtube.com/user/veriax#p/c/EE87B4A5E81D25D5/0/zpwjnOl7hBY. It's a still-ongoing series, with plenty of episodes already available. Yes, his is a well-modded Let's Play. All the Unique Landscapes. Better Cities. Deadly Reflex. FCOM. Enhanced Economy (I think), an 'alternate start' mod and so on. About the only thing his modded installation seems to be short on is quest-mods, Kvatch Rebuilt excepted.
He does a decent bit of role-playing too, and does a good job explaining his characters motivations and actions.