I must congratulate Crytek on such a wonderful game for xbox360. One of the best shooters ive EVER played. But you need to understand this. THE MULTIPLAYER IS BROKEN. The DLC maps do not work. People are finding it frustrating to get into any match with DLC. Ive even opened the nat on my router and this hasnt helped one bit. This issue NEEDS to be resolved before anything else. This could have been the best shooter online experience EVER, but the game is KNACKERED with regards to the multiplayer aspect. The even more annoyin thing is that Crytek are IGNORING loyal fans of the game by not responding to any topics regarding this issue. People are even posting that the multiplayer is knackered on your facebook page. Some corrispondence would be nice as we all have paid our hard earned cash for this game. As consumers and you providers of this product we are well within our rights to moan as the product is BROKEN. ( Even more now as the patch on the xbox 360 made connecting to a game vertually imposible ). Please restore my faith in how wonderfull this game could be online by enabling us to at least find games online!