Backwards balancing changes

Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:38 am

I would like to start by saying that I love Crysis 2 and it is a great game. I am however confused about why some of the balance changes in the patches and hotfixes were so stupidly backwards. Allow me to explain.

On launch, the JAW was powerful and you could get multikills with it in certain situations. It was not, however, overpowered and was honestly quite rare. Now it is underpowered to the point where you are lucky if you get a kill with it on a cloaked guy. You can actually SURVIVE a DIRECT HIT from it in armour mode. Don't beleive me? Try it out on a private game...

The Frag Grenade on launch was very effective. It was definately well-suited for precision attacks like killing a sniper on an elevated platform and other situations that involve cooking it. Armour was quite effective against it though. But for some reason they BUFFED it so now you are lucky if it doesn't kill you in armour mode. They increased power allows for more spamming, less skillfull precision throwing and it's more annoying now in crash site.

Another thing they got wrong was the underbarrel shotgun attachment. It used to do 45 damage per pellet (out of 120 btw) at point blank range and had 2 shots. Now it has 3 shots, which is an improvement but its damage was nerfed. I went into a game with it yesterday and I had it on my SCAR just for fun. I preceeded to shoot a cloaked person with it and I was surprised when he didn't die. I shot him with my other 2 rounds and STILL did not kill him then died because you cannot switch weapons while it's reloading (which is fair I suppose). My point is that it needs to still do 45 per pellet at point blank AND have 3 rounds. The Gauss attachment has 4 rounds and 4 reserve so it can kill 4 people if you don't miss. Is it too much to ask that the shotgun kills 4 people as well with only 6 rounds?

The worst one, however, is Maximum Nanosuit. I don't have any stats on it, but I know that its nerf was HEAVY. I used to be able to take out 3 guys who were shooting me at once no problem. Now I get roughly 2 kills with it everytime I use it. Sometimes I even DIE using it. Common, that's dumb and you know it. Max Suit needs to be on par with the Ceph Gunship. The Gunship is a big hovering automated death machine. It lasts for 45 seconds I believe and can really tear things up (especially if you tag targets for it). You can also get kills yourself while it's in the air doing the same (obviously). In Max Suit you have to get ALL the kills using your own skills, you don't have a Gunship to help you AND it's only 30 seconds! I timed it!

Max Suit needs to allow you to get just as many kills as the Ceph Gunship and you combined in 45 seconds. If it doesn't do that, it's simply not worth 7 dog tags. End. Of. Story.

I love Crysis and I really hope Crytek will see eye to eye with me on this one and make the game more enjoyable and even better than it is now. It's a great game, but it could be better. ;)
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Natasha Biss
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:00 pm

I totally agree with you nerfing the max nanosuit was completely ridiculous I don't understand what crytek was thinking.
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