fallout a strategy?

Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 12:43 am

I think it would be very good and i will post what I think would/could make it very good tommorow.I would tonight but im to tired to type for that long.
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Genocidal Cry
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 3:06 am

Yes I will send my power armor units with guass rifles to attack those poorly trained miltia.'cause thats only in Fall......Oh wait i'm thinking of C&C!
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Naomi Lastname
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:19 am

idc whether its in c&c they dont own that and it would/could have bos, enclave,ncr,legion and maybe the boomers and the great khans and the powder gangers and kings although it would be harder to make those factions work in the game. The way I would set the game up is like many other strategy games with a few starting units and civilians to do work with or just a small town and a milatary base and your income is based on many things. first you can send scouts to find other towns to trade with or to scavenge the wasteland for things to trade and kill.or just start fortifying and bareley trade and manage your town the best you can.Like the boomers did in new vegas. that would be a turtle strategy.But back to my point scavenging and explorering would get you new weapons to build and more resources to use.and you could upgrade your unit if you find weapons while scavenging(given to that unit alone the other units would need to get the weapon from the base or scavenge another. and explorering new lands will give you new trade routes and new trade partners. I will go more into detail later after I get more rest I havent slept in quite a while but what im thinking it would be like is age of empires and civ and ruse with fallout touchs.
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:56 am

Well we have Tactics which must have been pretty good due to it's popularity among dinosaurs (and others).

I think a non-canon Fallout Stradegy game would be great! I posted ideas for it a while back....
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:28 am

I think so. You have to keep your weapon in good condition, and you cant run into the middle of a battlefield. You have to be smart about your tactics.
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:41 am

I think a more tradtional rts like C&C or something similar has the potential to work, I would imagine it would be a three faction campaign between the BOS, the Enclave and the Super Mutants
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Nicole Mark
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