Becuase you totally destroyed Mehrunes Dagon at Oblivion with your weapon/spells, amirite or amirite?
No more than you used your mad diplomacy skillz to talk him out of it. You got shoved aside by Martin and sat on the sidelines while he handled it. Amirite?

Fallout had diplomatic ways because people requested it, and they requested it ALOT, since it's a game mechanic, to satisfy their thirst for an alternative way of playing the game.
Fallout had diplomacy because its designers had a handle on what real options are, not because players in a forum demanded it be in the sequels. Then after Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics, and Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel set the bar, Bethesda bought their way in and hopped on the bandwagon.
Also for your lore knowledge, Daedric realms are nowhere near the fictional hell you read in religious books.
The Deadlands sure weren't far off based on Oblivion... :rolleyes: