2: Sprint/charge attacks. Has anyone played team fortress 2 lately? Do you have any idea how satisfying eyelander+charg'n targe kills are? They are the best kills in the game!!! skyrim should have something like this! For those that havent played tf2... you alt fire and you move forward extremely fast (you can change directions slightly but not much) and the further your charge the more powerfull your mellee weapon becomes (one hit killing nearly everything on a long charge). but with this weapon you could realy zoom past a massive group of people to take the snipers hiding at the back, you could escape things.. you could charge down fleeing opponents too fast for you. you could suprise people!
how could this be done in skyrim?
1: a perk... sprinting and power attacking at the end of the sprint to do even more dammage 2: a magic spell that sends you flying forward.. dealing critical hits on any mellee attack you do3: Enchanted shields that allow a charged up shield bash to catapult the player forward.
3: Tackling
jumping on someone should bring them to the ground. sprinting into someone should do the same . you might end up on the ground aswell... and it might be you who is the only one on the ground.
4: kick
5: a push spell
6: telekinesis like bioshock (or half life's gravity gun) .
oh... and this should have area of effect versions

7: Magic should look pretty! Can i have red lightning because it's cool please? Maybe some green lightning? Maybe my fire spells might cast blue flames if they are powerfull?
8: telleporting.. like bioshock.. houdini splicers :wub: id prefer if the player could do it.. but it would still be awesome the npcs's could
9: Well.. npcs should channel magic with different parts of the body... imagine a fire daedra telleporting with a firey explosion infront of the player.. knocking player to the end of a high ledge. the demon breaths a jet of fire out of his mout to knock the player off. the demon starts throwing dozens of small fire balls from his both of it;s hands in rappid sequence. The demon then jumps down and gives the player a flaming kick just before it sets itself on fire and tackles the player.
10: electricity should conduct in all directions, fire and frost should spread across surfaces relative to the direction it came. therefore it would be interesting to have to jump everytime a shock spell lands nearby. or if the player could hide behind something.
11: Walking on walls spell
13: meatshields
14: rolling by ducking and then sprinting. sliding by sprinting and ducking
15: gauntlets effecting fists in combat.
Anything else to add?