I was just reading some of the in-game books when I came across "Ahzirr Traajijazeri". A book that somewhat outlines the thoughts and beliefs of a Khajiit. I found it incredibly interesting and thought it was very useful for RP. (I highly recommend anyone who plays as a Khajiit to give it a read if you have not done so already. I found this copy in the DB Sanctuary, but you could find it on IL too.)
Anyway, my question is, can someone please tell me if there are equivalents of this book for other races? I checked Imperial Library but the books' titles aren't always things like "Book That Somewhat Outlines The Thoughts And Beliefs Of A(n) [insert race here]". If you know of similar books, please tell me their names, and perhaps where I could find them in-game.
Thanks in advance!