I have not played many Bethesda game out side of Oblivion. Oblivion its self was not Multithreaded. Adding 200+ mods doesn't help that fact

Now with Fall Out 3 and NV (They used the the same engine as OB, all be it modified). How do you think Skyrim will perform based their advances in pc performance? Parts of the engine has been overhauled but its backbone is still GameBryo. Your thoughts.
My thoughts are the new engine is more than likely heavily optimized for the consoles and that the PC performance will likely be a crap shoot. I give it a 50/50 chance that it will either run great or terrible. Depends whether they bothered looking at what the performance issues were on their previous PC ports or not.
FO uses four threads, 100% of one core, 50% of another core and 25% of two more.
You were better off adjusting the .ini and limiting FO to 2 cores though, the game had terrible freezing issues with quad core machines. Unless they patched that up at some point, which I doubt since I had all the DLC and still had to turn off the 2 cores availability.
I don't think it's far fetched to believe that Beth has further optimized thread usage having re-written everything from the ground up.
As I said above though, we'll have to wait and see. I'm sure the game will be optimized great for consoles, but I could flip a coin right now to guess how the PC will do.