Well, of course, with EVERY BETHESDA GAME, you'll have your item mods, bigge mods, and then the total overhauls. That's just always there. And I'm more eager to see the one about middle earth
Dont know, but pcgamer said they will inform us with more info when their website is up and working again.
Also love your sig.. hehe
and btw, 2.00 - spears?
I was more impressed with the army in the dark armor. It looked like 100 of them. If they can actualy put that many NPCs on the screen at once, i'll be so impressed.
My only concern is that, with it being Russian and all, that the Morrowind'ish things we're seeing are actually taken from Morrowind and not made from scratch. Russia is not known to care much about copyright.
Made me want to play it. till I saw those giant spiders.. that is even more creepy then Skyrim..! At time the graphics looked like Oblivion,and at times like Skyrim, I was really empressed.. but it is a trailor and I wonder how one will play it without FPS drop. (Afterall, mods such as better cities already cause FPS drops on 'good' PC's so it seems like the game engien is not so efficent)
My only concern is that, with it being Russian and all, that the Morrowind'ish things we're seeing are actually taken from Morrowind and not made from scratch. Russia is not known to care much about copyright.
... not to mention the data miners which could be coded into it
My only concern is that, with it being Russian and all, that the Morrowind'ish things we're seeing are actually taken from Morrowind and not made from scratch.
Those candles and lanterns look like they're a direct rip from Morrowind, personally.