Getting Hitched / Romance / Marriage / Divorce

Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:59 pm

I just thought of something to do. I'm going to make an argorian who seduces and marries elves only to murder them in their sleep.
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Kill Bill
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:33 am

I don't. Maybe it is because i'm some kind of bigoted homophobe, but I don't think the hero of skyrim should be gay. It is a video game, not a gay pride convention.

You've must have hated New Vegas then...

Second, In Ancient times homosixuality was certainly frowned upon, and commonly illegal, therefor it wouldn't work well in a game taking place in that period.

This point is moot. Homosixuality is well accepted in The Elder Scrolls universe, heck look at the sixual exploits of Vehk.
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tiffany Royal
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:35 am

I don't. Maybe it is because i'm some kind of bigoted homophobe, but I don't think the hero of skyrim should be gay. It is a video game, not a gay pride convention. Second, In Ancient times homosixuality was certainly frowned upon, and commonly illegal, therefor it wouldn't work well in a game taking place in that period.

In case you haven't noticed, Nirn doesn't follow earth. In medieval times, males and females weren't equal, in ES they always have been.
I see no reason why there shouldn't be same six marriage. Maybe not have NPCs married of the same six, but I certainly want it an option for the player.
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:08 am

Please stay on topic unless you want this thread to be locked.
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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:30 am

Because all marriage discussion is funneled to this thread, it is on topic.

I don't. Maybe it is because i'm some kind of bigoted homophobe, but I don't think the hero of skyrim should be gay. It is a video game, not a gay pride convention. Second, In Ancient times homosixuality was certainly frowned upon, and commonly illegal, therefor it wouldn't work well in a game taking place in that period.

1.) This isn't ancient times.

2.) EXISTING is not making the game a gay pride parade. How dare people... exist! How dare they be able to simply be what they are and not pretend to be invisible! :facepalm: You can murder and steal and be an all around idiot but allow your character to like the same gender in 'that way?' Oh the horror!

If you don't want him to be gay... then guess what. You don't have to make him (or her for that matter) that way.

S/S is a double edge sword that will give Beth problems in the upcoming months, but then again they made their bed when they've announced the feature. I personally don't care but the controversey will happen eventually, whether it's tomorrow, 11-12-11, or a couple of months from now. Sure the feature will get praise and I'm interested in seeing how far it can go but you do have baggage and S/S is indeed baggage (That's not a bad thing though but that's entirely up to you).

It's somehow escaped much 'controversy' in other games where it's there. When reasons for prejudice turn out to be without any merit, that prejudice begins to weaken very rapidly, at least in a free society. Interracial marriage was even more controversial 50 years ago than this is now.
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:28 am

I don't. Maybe it is because i'm some kind of bigoted homophobe, but I don't think the hero of skyrim should be gay. It is a video game, not a gay pride convention. Second, In Ancient times homosixuality was certainly frowned upon, and commonly illegal, therefor it wouldn't work well in a game taking place in that period.

I suspect the majority of players would probably be in favor of same six marriage/romance options.

If I play a female character, for example, should I be forced to marry a male NPC?
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:50 am

Beth will have to make a decision on that and quickly before the forums rage enough that Rohugh transforms into a WereBear. I'm personally neutral on the subject matter and don't care what Beth's decison is on it but it's a lose, lose situation for BGS/Softworks.

I don't understand why it's a lose/lose. Are straight people going to boycott the game because it includes homosixual characters? I doubt it, pretty much every game, tv show and movie is culturally aware enough to not exclude this demographic :rolleyes:
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:09 am

@Sovern, It's not that straight people will boycott this game, it's places like UAE and Australia that might outright ban it from being bought there. (Australia for other reasons like Blood, I just used them as an example because they ban stuff for the most dumb things).

It's somehow escaped much 'controversy' in other games where it's there. When reasons for prejudice turn out to be without any merit, that prejudice begins to weaken very rapidly, at least in a free society. Interracial marriage was even more controversial 50 years ago than this is now.

Skyrim will be more mainstream then Fable that's why there will be more controversey. Even more of a reason for Beth to come out with their stance instead of hiding in a Bomb Shelter.
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Lakyn Ellery
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:37 pm

Marriage in RPGs ruins the experience for me, so i'll be avoiding that aspect of the game
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naome duncan
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:07 pm

Personally, I'm thrilled. If I try it and I don't like it, I just won't use the feature with my other characters. It certainly adds a new level of realism to the gameplay. We'll see how it goes. :D
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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:35 am

and this is ONE reason why marriage is a bad idea to put in a game.

In any case, it's a waste of time and resources and something that TES doesn't need. I will never get married or have a "Companion" in the game. EVER!!

what how is someone asking for homosixual relationships to be in the game a bad thing, if marriage makes the world feel more real and believable its a good thing in my book
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:20 am

He better.

In Ancient times? First, what the hell do ancient times have to do with anything? For the millionth time, Tamriel is not "Earth in the past." Second, that is absolutely incorrect. The Romans had no problems with homosixuality and according to someone, vikings didn't mind it either.

You don't think the hero of Skyrim should be gay? That's fine, don't make your hero of Skyrim be gay. I don't think the Dovahkiin should be an Elf, but I'm sure as hell not going to suggest that people can't make an Elf.

"It's a video game, not a gay pride convention" is also one of the silliest things I've ever heard, on par with some racist guy saying "It's called Nascar, not Blackcar" at the idea of a black person in Nascar.

No, not really, In Europe middle ages, a common punishment was death.
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:42 pm

I honestly doubt that my character will get married, but that is only because of her backstory, as she is a wandering Knight/Healer, that has dedicated herself to the Nine Divines, mostly to Kynareth.
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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:21 am

I don't understand why it's a lose/lose. Are straight people going to boycott the game because it includes homosixual characters? I doubt it, pretty much every game, tv show and movie is culturally aware enough to not exclude this demographic :rolleyes:

If you want to see how it's a lose/lose, check out the Bioware forums.
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James Shaw
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:42 am

After the main quest and the world is saved ill settle down with a bar waitress.
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Wanda Maximoff
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:35 am

As far as I knew homosixuality was commonly accepted among the Ancient Greek and Romans.
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naome duncan
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:19 pm

I don't. Maybe it is because i'm some kind of bigoted homophobe, but I don't think the hero of skyrim should be gay. It is a video game, not a gay pride convention. Second, In Ancient times homosixuality was certainly frowned upon, and commonly illegal, therefor it wouldn't work well in a game taking place in that period.

You obviously know very little about spartan culture. Also, there was an entire army comprised entirely of homosixual lovers that defeated the spartan army.
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lisa nuttall
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:34 pm

Not to mention Alexander The Great, who was in love with his main general.
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Post » Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:47 pm

I have a feeling that divorce will be managed by a broadsword rather than a legal document. My wife left me for a drug dealer 2 weeks ago.. I am starting to like the broadsword idea LOL (jk).
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Maria Leon
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